Eugene x Reader 2

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Chapter 2

"SHIT SHIT!" Zion says as he runs back to me. I kick the zombie with a strong force and he lets go. I start to breathe rapidly from the shock but I have to keep running from the "mutant" zombie. "CMON CMON" Eugene shouts slowing his pace and grabbing my hand again. "I'm not letting you go this time" he whispers while we're running back to the school.

(At the school gate)

Ethan managed to push the fast zombie back while we open the gate and we all managed to get back safely. We're all out of breath meanwhile Ethan looks fine and isn't panting for air. "How do you manage to keep your chill Ethan.." I say while having my hands to my knees. He just shrugs and walks into the school. Me and Eugene scoff at him and we slowly follow him. "Man, he's just that strong" Zion laughs. I smile and realize Eugene still has the stuffed bear I gave him. He realizes I'm looking and chuckles.
"Thanks by the way"  he says, opening the door into the school for me. I nod and feel pain in my arm. Right, my cut from the glass. Zion grabs my arm unexpectedly and I jump. "Y/N, you seriously need to get out of danger everytime we go out" he lectures me while getting out a med-kit from Eugene's backpack. He wraps it around my arm and Eugene scoffs. Bet he was jealous.
We walk into the room with the rest of our group. I tap Lawrence's shoulder and he looks back with a smile, how cute. "Hey Lawrence" I smile at him. "Hey Y/N, how'd it-" he cuts himself off as he notices the bandages. "Were you badly hurt?! Are you feeling okay? Did a zombie bit you?" He whispers. I giggle at how concerned he is. "Don't worry, just a glass shard cutting my arm a bit" I say. "Also want to tell you about a weird zombie we saw on our trip, it was like faster than the other zombies! It almost caught up to us.." I mention. He stops and stands still for a second and puts a hand to his chin. "It's like a mutation? This is.. dangerous" he whispers. I slowly nod. Hopefully there aren't more mutants, we already have enough with the normal zombies.


Me and Eugene just got done with the night watch and the sun seems to be rising. We're both looking out of a window watching the sky. "I wonder what life will be like when this is over" I say. Eugene opens his mouth to say something but just pauses and frowns. "I've always thought about becoming a singer.." he chuckles, embarrassed. My eyes widen. I never really expected someone like Eugene to be passionate about music. "Could I hear you sing?" I ask. He looks at me and turns away. "I haven't sung in a while to people. I remember people would always watch me play piano and sing in school" he smiles. "C'mon, I mean it's just me" I grab his hand and put it to my cheek. "For me please?" I ask with puppy eyes. He laughs at me and nods. "Fine, maybe just this once" he says.

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