Harry x Reader IV

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I watch the sunset for a while now days. But especially today, because Judy just disappeared. We searched throughout the whole building but no signs of her. I think, maybe this happens because I came here. I bring bad luck. I feel a tear fall but don't wipe it off. I hear someone come in but I don't look.

"Hey" Harry~ sadly

"Ah! Uh hey" Y/N~ wiping a tear

"I'm sorry, for everything" Harry

"No, it's my fault" Y/N

I hear Harry chuckle and I look at him. He look at me and becomes serious.

"No it's not" Harry

"Yeah because ever since I came here weird thing started happening" Y/N

"Like that shadow" Harry

"Yeah" Y/N

I start crying more and I think I start sobbing a little, because he hugs me. I put my head on his chest and cry even more. He touches my hair and I feel like he starts crying. We cry for a couple of minutes. I really feel like I could cry with him. I hug him and we look at each other. His face has tear marks, so he was crying. I smile and he smiles back. I get up on my toes, because Harry's way to tall, and kiss him on the cheek and say 'goodnight.' I see him blush and wave. It's cute how he blushes.

~~~Authors Note~~~

Hi Luz :) Hope you like it :D

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