Harry x Reader VI

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I tremble as I get ready to talk to Harry. I bump into Zion on the way.

"Oh hey..." Zion says

"H-hey.." I say looking down

"Why are you in a hurry?" Zion says

"Nothing just.. please excu-" I said but then Zion pushes me to the wall

"Z-zion" I stutter trying to push him

He grins at me but I look away before he does anything else and run to Harry's classroom. I sigh when I get to Harry.

"Uh.. what's up?" he says

"Nothing... I just wanted to talk" I say

"What's wrong?" Harry frowns

"I-I'm going to run away" I say looking down

"You are.." Harry says kind of cheerful

"Were you going to do it too?" I say quietly

"Yeah.." he says going to me

He touches my face and I feel the warmth of his hand. I smile and think 'I really now am sure I want to go'.

"Can we go now?" I say

"You read my mind" he says smiling

I get my coat from my class and run into Zion again. What's up with him because he seems to like me now. But why now? He see's me and grins. He walks to me and I back up. When I hit the wall I start getting scared. Zion gets close to my face. I can feel like I'm shaking. He gets close to my lips.

"What's wrong with you?" I whisper

"I think that before I die, I should confess" he says

"I'm sorry bu-" I say, then he kisses me.

I stand there in shock and push him away. I look at Zion with a mad face.

"WHATS UP WITH YOU?!" I say loudly

"I like you.. that's all" he says

"I'm with Harry... don't you know?!" I say

Zion stands there looking like he already knew. I get out of the room. Bye Zion.. Bye Judy, wherever you are, Bye everyone...

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