Harry x Reader II

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"Harry?" Y/N

"Huh?" Harry

I panic! What do I say? What if he refuses? Uh..

"You know we have to head back" Harry~ frowning a little

"Oh...uh" Y/N

"Well, It was nice talking" Harry~ smiling

"Same" Y/N~ smiling back

We walk back in silence. Of course, because the boys need their rest. We say goodbye to each other and go to our classrooms. I was disappointed that I didn't ask him. I guess I'll have to wait for another opportunity...

~~~Authors Note~~~

So far I've been having more readers and Thank you SO MUCH!!! :D

Especially for the people who vote for my stories! Thank you very much for liking my stories :) <3

Sorry this is very short because of school but thanks for reading :) <3

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