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My heart was thumping like crazy, I didn't know what I could be called in for. There was an endless amount of possibilities for a girl who can over think like a master.

My chest was loud in my brain, I could physically feel the blood pumping around. My feet felt heavy and my breath didn't feel like it was getting the oxygen needed to my brain.

My anticipation just couldn't grow higher in this moment, my thoughts flying away like a mess. I await in the office, standing here in the room that smells like cleaning products. My arms are crossed over my chest with the yellow slip stuck between my fingers on my right hand, my foot crossed over the other.

I can rule out the possibility that someone overheard me and Amara because it was just too quick, for it to all unfold like this. My main concern is if someone witnessed our cheeky photobooth stop, or something in general with suspicion between me and Harry.

Matter of fact, it could be something so small. Like going for a break in assembly and just never coming back, if that's the case what are they going to do, notify my parents?


My head shoots to the well dressed vice principal, always wearing standard suits. Always, always following the dress code rules higher class teachers have to.

Mr. Vitta was nice and really friendly, I just don't like my chances in this conversation. He motions his arm for me to follow him to his office, so that's what I do. My thoughts scream at me, but the one thoughtful part of me yells at them to shut up.

We'll find out soon enough.

He follows the L-shaped desk around to sit in front of his computer and face me. "Mr. Vitta, hello."

He smiles at me, friendly smiles are nowhere near settling.

"First off, you're not in trouble." his left hand falls onto the table, pushing it flat.

"Phew, so why am I here?" I try to politely push it along, i feel as if i wait longer ill fucking vomit.

"Okay, well. How would you feel about a meeting this Friday regarding your pregnancy? We have subs on hold, we will pull out every teacher that has you as a student and we'll discuss it with you. The nurse and myself will be there. We can make an emergency plan, plans for when you stay at home and what just works best in general. So, what do you think?"

I still felt so restless in this set, it's like the end of a rollercoaster, you feel more high than you did at the start, adrenaline is a bitch half the time.

"Sounds like a plan." I looked up, directly into his eyes for the first time.

"I'll send the emails to your teachers now. Have a good day Polly." He smiles at me, still giving me his attention with his eyes.

My knees so weakly lift myself up to the door. If i was in a movie i'd be pale, in slow motion with hair slowly falling from side to side. It felt so dramatic in my mind, everything in sight including noises felt so cloudy.


Here it is,

The truth will always come and bite you in the ass, it might as well be now.

I give him my attention by shooting the fakest smile, it blocks my airways. His eyes shoot up and down my body, not sexually it was observant. Incredibly observant.

"Are you okay? You seem awfully stressed, has something happened today or recently?"

I let my breath escape through my mouth as I leave it ajar, selling my lips again and swallowing quickly and orderly. "I'm okay, I am terrified of judgment, but I guess if it's the teachers I'm talking to they have to keep it professional enough. Their opinion shouldnt be added, just notified."

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