twenty three

607 21 15

Authors note at the end; nothing too important you can skip it if you want, its just a bit of an update on how things are rolling on. and what's in the future!

im pretty sure the term 'trolley' is australian but for reference im talking about shoping carts etc.

"We're going to walk into these stores, and you're going to enjoy your time, okay babe?"

I stood in front of baby bunting, facing the truth of my future. Amaras arm was linked with mine, her support seemed never-ending. I turn my face to Amara, giving her a simple nod and a smile as I push past the fear, anger and sorrow behind me for today.

"Great!" She exclaimed, taking me with her as she walked through the doors with me.

It was such a weird feeling, seeing prams, baby bibs, high chairs, clothes, anything related to pregnancy was around me, inclosing me to any escape of the next few months.

"Now Polly, want to start with things for you?"

I turn my head to Amara, breaking our link as I face her with my entire frame. "Yeah, alright."

We walk to our left, the clothes along the wall.

Maternity jeans.

"So that's how pregnant women wear jeans." Amara giggles out, picking out a light blue pair; similar to the ones i have at home.

I stopped her from putting it in the basket. "Amara, I'm not sure I'll be in the mood to wear these. Let's save the jeans for after the pregnancy."

She looked up at me, realising my face was serious. "Alright alright."

She puts back the low-waisted jeans with fabric around the top. That was the part your belly was in.

She puts the clothes on the hanger with the rest of the sizings. Spinning around to me with an enthusiastic look.

"One more thing, we're getting a heap of dresses! For dates, with mister you know who, for yourself and for around the house."

I cover my face in embarrassment, grinning to myself like a lovestruck teen.

I mean hey, that's what I was.

I tilt my head to the side slightly, raising my eyebrows. "I'm not made of money Marie."

She gives me the same energy back, putting her hands in her back pocket as she smiles at me with a dilsbelifed look. "Well..." She pulls out three tickets from her pocket. "I'm not either, but I did manage to get three vouchers worth a hundred."

She passes them to me, nodding as I hesitantly pull out my hand. "So we're spending 300 hundred dollars minimum."

She lets out a shit eating grin and it's hard to hate her for it.

"But Amara! Are you sure?"

She rolls her eyes, the grin nowhere near leaving. "Polly, who else am I going to give them to? It's a pregnancy store."

"But you said 300 minumum!" I whisper shout back in complete defense.

"Well yeah..." She shakes her head, pouting her lip. "Put it into perspective, you have these, so you can get majority of your shit for free. It doesnt mean its our budget, its not lke were gonna go 'fuck, I'm three dolars over.' silly goose, we still have some money or else we wouldn't be here."

"I hate that you're right." I say, my mouth setting in a hard line for a joke.


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