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Lucifer is up to no good.

That thought weighs heavily on Laudon's mind as he travels all over the world, primarily visiting the places that have been generating high demonic activity.

Laudon has kept his opinions to himself until he is able to confirm whether his suspicions are valid, but over the last several years, he has noticed that more and more demons have been getting released from their prisons in Hell and sent to Edreial. Not even Zul has offered answers as to why. All that anyone knows is that the order had come from Lucifer before he departed Hell.

The order being that, precisely twice a month, one thousand demons are to be cast out of Hell and sent to Edreial to do Lucifer's bidding, whatever that consists of. God has only ever loosely monitored his sister's fallen kingdom, so the small uptick in the corruption of the humans and their souls has gone undetected. This cycle has been repeating itself for years, and the only person to know what Lucifer's endgame is, is Lucifer.

Laudon, however, is persistent. He will not stop searching until he gets some answers. Apart from having genuinely wanted a change in scenery, this is his other reason for wanting to visit Edreial—to find out exactly what his father is planning. Unfortunately, he has received nothing helpful from the demons that he has questioned. They are more afraid of Lucifer than they are of Laudon, so they have purposely given the prince little to go on.

At the end of the day, Laudon is no simpleton. He eventually put two and two together. There can only be one reason behind why Lucifer has taken such an interest in God's imperfect toys, the humans. Only one reason behind why he has demons out corrupting the innocent, tainting their souls and turning them into mindless puppets.

Lucifer is creating an army.

But why? And more importantly, what for?

The air here reeks of alcohol and sweat. How disgusting. Laudon is not the least bit impressed by the small town of Holloway. After using a locator spell to uncover where, if any, the demonic energy has been festering in the area, Laudon finds himself standing just outside a big warehouse. It rests in the middle of a large field and, at the moment, is the only place in town that has any energy resonating from it, though not necessarily demonic.

No matter where I go, the humans all act the same. Laudon does not understand the appeal of what he's seeing right now, and after traveling the world, he has since concluded that all humans have three things in common, no matter their culture, and it is that they love to party, they love to fight, and they especially love to have sex.

All three things are happening in and outside of the battered warehouse.

Laudon rolls his black eyes in a judging manner. As confusing as the humans are, he does not hate them like his father. He honestly has no business judging them because he has never had the chance, before now, to be around them long enough to form a worthy opinion.

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