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Laudon has never felt this much happiness in all his life. He returns to Hell with a smile on his face, a big smile that he has no intentions of hiding. He enters his room and collapses on the bed with a sigh of content, his mind replaying the time that he and Maggie had spent together on Edreial.

Laudon had no clue that a human could be so... captivating?

As he quietly reflects on the precious moments that he and Maggie had created, such sweet and innocent moments, Laudon finally admits to himself that something special is brewing between him and the brown-eyed girl. Something powerful, yet intangible. A constant pull that vibrates every single molecule throughout his body. A pull on a string that is wrapped tightly around his dark soul. A string that Maggie holds the end of. 

I must have her, Laudon thinks to himself, staring off into space with a wolfish grin. But would she want me in that way? Surely not. Everything is so complicated. I wish I knew what to do next...

As Laudon stands to change out of his clothes, he receives a knock at the door.

"Enter," Laudon calls, looking back. "Zul. What do you want?"

"I came to check on you, my prince. After what happened with Myrlande, you suddenly disappeared without a word. I was worried that..." Zul pauses, taking another step forward. He sniffs the air, his eyes narrowing and jaw clenching. "You went to see her."


"I can smell her on you. The human. Maggie Brumfield."

Laudon rolls his eyes and strips out of his clothes to change into his training gear. His good mood is plummeting, and the desire to punch something is rising rapidly all thanks to Zul.

"So what, Zul? What business is it of yours that I went to go see her? Because had I not gone to see her, I would have finished transforming. In a blind rage, I would have torn this literal hellhole apart."

"You are suggesting Maggie prevented that from happening?" Zul watches Laudon's every move, judging him silently. "But how is that possible? What did she do to you, my prince?"

"Nothing. She did nothing to me. She's just... special. That's all I can say for now."

"I see." Zul takes another step forward, then another until he and Laudon stand face to face.

Where did Laudon go wrong? When did everything spiral out of control, before or after the incident with Maggie Brumfield? Zul has trouble wrapping his brain around the bizarre shift that has occurred within the Prince of Hell. If only Lucifer were here.

"I am going to say something that you may not want to hear," Zul warns. "I apologize if it upsets you."

"Go on then," Laudon mutters. "Say it."

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