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Laudon and I have been walking down a dangerous path as of late.

Compared to when we first met, our most recent encounters have been way more emotional and far too touchy for my liking. Well, no... that's actually a lie because I do like that he feels safe around me, that he trusts me enough to express his true feelings whether he's in a good or bad mood. I like how he's no longer cold and distant, doesn't look at me as if he can't stand my guts.

I confess that, in the beginning, I had him misunderstood. This new friendlier version of Laudon is one that I very much enjoy being around. To me, he is more than just the son of the devil. He is considerate, playful, and when it comes to his family, he is fiercely protective and loyal. He has layers. Now that I know him a little better, I can confidently say that I like him a lot more than I previously did.

Therein lies the problem—I like him.

I'm honestly not sure what version of Stockholm Syndrome this is, but I definitely should not be catching feelings for someone who, just a few weeks ago, promised to destroy my life unless I broke moral code and gave him the soul of an innocent in exchange for mine. The sane part of me can see the bright red flags being waved in front of my face, warning me to keep my head on straight.

And yet, the rebellious part of me that's mostly driven by desire and selfishness continues to outweigh all the negativity.

I like Laudon. I think that he likes me too, but what the hell can be done about it given our current situation? Everything is such a mess. It's hard to envision a happy ending for us when all is said and done. Shit. Who am I kidding here?

People like us never get a happy ending.

"We should've brought our own damn snacks." Krista has a scowl on her face as she plops down into the lawn chair next to me. "That fucking prick Keith Washington charged me fifteen bucks for two bags of chips and a packet of skittles. Can you believe the audacity?"

I laugh, shaking my head. "There's a nice sized crowd out here tonight. The boy is obviously trying to make a profit. Cut him some slack, yeah?"

"Cut him some slack? Wow."

"Wow what?"

"I don't know, just... whatever put you in such a chill mood please let me know so that I can get some and join the bandwagon," Krista teases. She tosses me the skittles before opening a bag of Cheetos. "So how do you feel tonight's race is going to turn out? Think Johnny will come out on top?"

"Doesn't he always?" I smirk.

"I would've placed a bet if Keith hadn't taken all my fucking money," Krista mutters. "I seriously need to find a job for the summer."

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