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I can't believe I let my friends drag me out to another stupid party.

From temporarily being held captive in Hell, to later finding out I'm not entirely human, I probably shouldn't be partying right now. My priorities are all fucked up. And the longer that I sit here watching everyone around me drink and laugh and have the time of their lives, the more miserable I become.

"It's illegal to look this bored when you're out at a party." Krista tries to pass me her drink, but I politely decline. "Mags, we've been here for an hour and you've yet to move off this couch. You're clearly having a bad time and I want to know why."

I sigh, too mentally exhausted to try and come up with another lie.

"You know me. Sometimes I'm in the mood for this kind of stuff and sometimes I'm not. Tonight, I'm not."

"Then why'd you agree to come out with us? You totally could have said no and then kicked me and Johnny out of your house." Krista chugs her drink in three big gulps. I laugh when she belches loudly a few seconds later, having caught the attention of a cute boy. She crumbles the empty cup and tosses it at his feet. "What? Never heard a girl burp before? You should know we fart, too." Krista gives him a hard look that makes him turn back around to his friends. "Anyway, back to my question... er, what was it that I asked you?"

"You asked why I agreed to come out with you guys tonight when I didn't feel like it," I say while laughing. "And my answer is because I thought it'd be good for me to get out of the house after locking myself inside for a week. But now..."

Now I'm starting to think I should have just stayed my cursed ass at home. This is starting to feel like a wasted trip as I suddenly remember that I'm not actually here to kick back and relax. I'm here to do a job. I've been here for an hour and have had tons of people brush past me, a few boys even coming over to hit on me, and not once has the bracelet around my wrist glowed to signify that they're pure.

My shit luck has placed me in a house full of nothing but wicked people.

"Anyway, at least one of us is having a good time tonight." I change the subject while pointing at Johnny. He's dancing and making out with a pretty girl. "Must be nice," I mutter, unable to recall when I'd last gotten that close to a guy.

"Don't worry, Mags. You'll find your Prince Charming one day," Krista says, giving me a comforting smile. "And after you do, you can finally turn that damn v-card in."

"If I'm being honest, I'm not even looking for a prince charming. I'd happily settle for a Mr. Right Now," I say while scanning the crowd. I doubt I'd find him in here, though. "How much do you want to bet that there's not at least one uncorrupted soul throughout this entire house?"

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