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Zul immediately tosses me into my old cell once we're back in Hell. Everything looks the same except this time someone finally turned on the lights.

I wish they hadn't because my neighbors sitting in the cells across from me look like something that'd been plucked straight out of a sci-fi horror flick. Some of the beasts have multiple heads and limbs. Some of them don't even have mouths, just massive claws that look like they'd slice you in half with one swipe. I thought there'd only be humans on this level, but I guess I was wrong.

The only reason why I don't put up a fight with Zul is because I'm trying to preserve my energy. I can't place my finger on what it could be, but something tells me that now is not the time for me to act out. None of that stops me from yapping off at the mouth, though. I give Zul an earful as he locks me into my small cell, claiming that he'll send someone for me when the time is right.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I ask before he turns to walk away. "Hey, stop! I thought I was supposed to be used as a distraction. I thought you were taking me to see Laudon!"

"The plan has changed," Zul snaps, nose flaring. "My watcher has informed me that Laudon is up and about, presumably looking for me which should be impossible because that wine was meant to keep him down for several more hours. Seems like one of his little helpers came to his aid before I could track them down and eliminate them." Zul exhales, visibly looking bothered as he shakes his head. "I should have done that earlier on. A mistake on my part. Nonetheless, I must create a diversion while I..."

"Don't, Zul. Whatever you're thinking about doing right now, please don't do it."

The look on his face is terrifying. His pale skin is covered in dark war paint, his black eyes are opened wide, and his unnerving smile mirrors that of the Cheshire Cat. His entire demeanor screams unhinged. I can do nothing but plead for him to stop as he mutters a spell to unlock all the cell doors, every single one except for mine.

A few shell-shocked looking humans who'd been unlucky enough to spend the rest of eternity here, along with monsters that vary in shape and size all exit their cages and pour out into the walkway. Zul tells them that they're "free" and to "do whatever your wicked soul desires" and none of them ask questions. They simply take off running and yelling and... roaring.

"Listen well, little one. I must leave now, so I need you to be on your best behavior and stay put." Zul reaches into my cell and grabs me roughly by the arm before I can step away. He yanks me forward so hard that my face is pressed against the thick metal bars. "I will come back for you once I get Laudon alone and... calmed down. Do not try to escape unless you are ready to meet your maker, though, given your special situation, I doubt he will want anything to do with you."

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