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"Your human is on the move, my prince."

Laudon pauses the conversation that he was having with Zul to begin a new one with Bunki, the demon he tasked to watch over Maggie. According to Bunki, Maggie has finally left her home after having locked herself inside for seven days. Laudon is curious about where she may be going, and he makes a mental note to pay her a visit once he is done defending his father's throne.

"Thank you for keeping me updated, Bunki. You are dismissed." Laudon sends the demon on his way and then directs his attention back to Zul. "Are we almost finished here?"

"Almost." Zul moves to stand behind Laudon. Zul gathers up his long black hair, styling it into a single plait to prevent it from getting in the way during the fight. "Are you sure about letting it hang like this? He can easily use it against you."

"I will have his throat cut before he can even think about reaching for my head or my hair," Laudon replies. "I have been challenged for the throne many times, and not once have I lost a fight. I do not plan on losing this one. Where is your faith, my friend?" Laudon teases. "Have you lost it somewhere?"

"Not at all. I have nothing but faith in you, my prince. You are an exceptionally skilled fighter; I know this because I trained you." Zul chuckles, patting Laudon on the back. "I also know you are capable of handling yourself well during battle. My apologies if I made you think otherwise."

"Apology accepted."

Zul helps Laudon finish getting ready for the upcoming fight. And while composed on the outside, on the inside, Laudon is beyond irritated. He is irritated that he has to do this for the fiftieth time when he would rather be doing something else right now, anything else. But for Laudon, albeit a major inconvenience, this is nothing new. This is just another day in Hell. Another challenge to accept, another adversary to kill, another fight to win.

Just another day.

"You have never lost a fight," Zul repeats. "Second to your father, you are the most powerful being in Hell. I would like to think these impertinent demons understood that and yet, they continue to challenge you. What sense does that make?"

"I urge you not to waste your energy trying to figure them out," Laudon says.

Typically only after Lucifer takes one of his impromptu 'vacations' from Hell, some arrogant demon would step up from the sidelines to call Laudon out, requesting to challenge him for his father's throne. It is no secret that there are many in Hell who dislike Lucifer and his son, many who believe Hell could use better leadership. And per the rules, whether it be Lucifer or Laudon that is challenged, they must always accept the request. Forfeiting a fight is not an option; that shows cowardice and neither Lucifer nor Laudon carry the trait.

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