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I stare at my reflection in the bathroom mirror, wondering if I was meant to look like this, or if I'm merely a poor genetic knockoff of Queen Teleste and the daughter she never got to meet.

"Damn, my head is killing me."

I open the medicine cabinet and pop some Tylenol to kill the migraine that I feel coming. This happens whenever I try to pull more memories from the past, memories that Laudon's mother transferred to me. I can sense that I don't have the full story of what really happened to the fallen deities back then, only bits and pieces. Laudon's mother and I were connected for a short time, she was weak and could only give me so much information.

The little bit that I received helped me tremendously, though. I finally know what I am now. It finally makes sense why my blood reads the way that it does. The blocking spell, according to my new memories, is a kind of protection spell. Maaket had powers that not even the deities could match. The reason he was never bothered is because he never left Limbo. Excluding Teleste, the rest of the gods were too afraid to go there because they knew Maaket outmatched them in power.

The blocking spell essentially hid Kalleste in plain sight. Throughout her many lives, she was only able to make it this far because of that spell. Now that I'm her vessel, I've inherited the benefits of that same spell. In the presence of demons, my blood reads as inconclusive. The only color that humans can see is red. As I continue to change, I realize only I can see the true color of my blood, red mixed with silver. The next time I see Laudon's mother, I'll have to ask her what my blood looks like from her perspective since she's an angel. 

It's been hours since we met for the first time. I haven't had the chance to reach out to Laudon about my experience because... well, I'm honestly terrified of how he might react. Not only is he apparently not a full demon, but his mother isn't dead after all. She's alive and imprisoned in a place that he'll never be able to reach. Demons can't get past the gates of Heaven, so how the fuck can I look Laudon in his eyes and kill his spirit twice?

By the way, your mother is alive! And here's the funny part—you can never, ever, see her because she's locked away in Heaven's prison. You can't go there because you're a demon, remember? Well, half-demon. Anyway, good luck with the rest of your life!

I wouldn't blame him if he ripped my head right off after I was finished talking.

Maybe Lucifer knew about this all along. Maybe this is why he never told Laudon the truth. He knew his son would go to war against God, essentially getting himself killed, all to free his mother. I don't know how to tell Laudon what I've uncovered. I just know that I don't want him to get hurt, and I definitely don't want him to get himself killed.

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