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Laudon busies himself with work after he returns to Hell from visiting Maggie, not having stopped long enough to even change his clothes simply because they continue to carry her scent.

Every minute that he spends with her is a minute that he fully cherishes, and when finished, he locks it away deep inside his heart where it will go on to live forever. For his mother and for Maggie, Laudon is ready and willing to do anything to keep them safe. A universe for which neither of them exists is a universe that Laudon cannot see himself living in, especially regarding Maggie.

Why? Because he is a thousand percent sure that Maggie Brumfield is his soulmate. A fact he cannot deny given the events that have transpired between them in the last twenty-four hours.

There should be no reason for Laudon having heard Maggie's cries all the way from Edreial, no reason at all unless they shared a connection that was strong enough to cross the gateway between their worlds. Neira, his mother, told him to trust his feelings and to listen to his heart. Doing so led him to believe that he is worthy of a soulmate, and a demon she is not.

Laudon hopes Lila will take the news well. 

"I hate when you interrupt me while I'm breaking in the newbies." Lila enters Laudon's bedroom dressed in full battle gear. She holds a flail in one hand and a shield in the other, her face decorated with flecks of dirt. "What did you call me down here for?"

"To tell you to your face that we can no longer have a sexual relationship."

Laudon closes the book that he had been reading and then he stands from his chair, happiness and confidence oozing from his pores as he walks slowly towards Lila. 

"This will come as a surprise to you, but I have reason to believe that Maggie Brumfield is my soulmate. She is far more extraordinary than I originally assumed, and while I wait for her to accept her feelings for me, I wish to remain faithful to her in all ways."

Laudon stops before Lila, allowing a moment of silence to pass so that his words have time to sink in, and then he neatly wraps up his declaration.

"I wish for us to remain friends, so do tell me now if this will be a problem for you."

"This would be a problem and hurt me more had the girl been a basic human," Lila eventually answers. She drops her weapons and places a hand on her hip, the other running through her hair as she exhales a deep breath. "But she isn't basic, is she? Something tells me you finally know exactly what she is, and it must be something unbelievably fascinating since you want to keep her all to yourself because why else would you claim her as your true mate?"

"Is this jealousy that I'm sensing?" Laudon smirks.

"You fucking wish." Lila scoffs, then laughs. "I am not jealous. What I am is confused and... and..."

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