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Laudon's mother not only knows how her son will die, but she also knows who his killer will be.

This is most definitely troubling news.

I remember last time you had said something about Laudon being in danger, but we were cut off before you could give me more information.

To start, you should know that Laudon is only alive today because God spared his life, having chosen to punish Lucifer and I for the sin that we took part in.

The sin of you two being together?

Correct. Over the years, as the other deities fell, God continued to pass many laws, one that explicitly prohibited the angel and demon race from coupling. Though, there was a loophole he had not considered. When it comes to fate and destiny, laws mean nothing. True love exists in this universe, and when you find your soulmate, no law will keep you from being together.

Wow... I never would have guessed that the whole soulmate thing is actually legit.

It is. Lucifer and I fell in love at first sight, and it mattered not that he was of the demon race, and I was an angel. Everyone in this universe has a perfect match. And despite the power that God holds, he cannot manipulate the fate of soulmates.

I guess my biggest question now is how did you know to risk it all for Lucifer? How does it feel when you first meet your soulmate?

It is hard to put into words, but when Lucifer and I first met on Edreial, I felt an immediate pull. An intense desire to be near him at all times. Suddenly, the laws meant nothing. I cared for and wanted only Lucifer. After we got together, for our own safety, we kept our relationship a secret and met only at night. When I later discovered I was pregnant, Lucifer was so thrilled.

But that celebration didn't last long...

No, it did not.

I know Laudon grew up without you, which means God found out about you and Lucifer. You were taken away before you could properly raise Laudon, right?

Yes. After my relationship with Lucifer had been exposed, a bloody battle ensued. Lucifer and I had been caught off guard on Edreial and were outnumbered by angels. We had broken the law and God had every right to punish us. Even still, I begged him to spare my Laudon. By his grace, he listened.

That's interesting.

Only later did I find out there was a catch.

Ah, figured.

As for Lucifer and I, God broke our bond before forcing me back to Heaven. I can only imagine what Lucifer assumes has happened to me. Instead of paying for my sins with my death, I was locked in this cage to dwell on them indefinitely. I cannot spend the rest of my days with my soulmate, and I will never be able to be a mother to my son. That, out of everything else, is what hurts the most.

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