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Laudon finally understands why his father had been so adamant about keeping him in Hell.

His second trip to Edreial had introduced him to a human girl named Maggie, and now Laudon can't stop thinking about her and the unusual encounter that they had.

Maggie could see him. She looked right at him and spoke. Why did the invisibility spell not work with her when it had worked perfectly fine on the other humans in the area? What had been so special about Maggie's energy? What made it so damn intoxicating? Is she human or something more? And if the latter, then what type of more?

Laudon has since gone through all sorts of books in Hell's library and not one held any information about whatever the fuck Maggie could be.

Vampires and werewolves are on the verge of extinction, so they rarely stray far from their dens. Their energy is hot, but nowhere close to Maggie's. Fairies, however, are mystical beings with the purest of energies. But they primarily reside in Heaven and are easily identifiable by their pointy ears and razor-sharp claws. Heaven is home to the only other being with a sweet and gentle aura despite their savagery during battles. The angels. But rumor has it is that they secretly detest Edreial and are jealous of the human's free will. The angels only visit per God's orders, and these days, he has shown little interest in the upkeep of his sister's old kingdom.

The humans, God's mini replica of his sister's giants, seem hellbent on destroying their home rather than trying to come up with constructive ways to help it flourish.

Early on, God had given the humans a list of commandments to abide by. Many followed them while others ignored them and lived by their own rules. When the disrespect had become too much, God punished the humans by erasing them with a flood; the wicked were cast to Hell, free souls for Lucifer to torment, while the pure rose to Heaven as a reward for never having turned against God. As recklessly as the second generation of humans has been living, it's only a matter of time before God resets Edreial in an attempt to create a third, better, generation.

If it is not perfect, then it is not worth God's time. 

"Unless one of Hell's circles have broken open, please do not enter and disturb me," Laudon mutters after sensing Zul's presence nearby. "Seriously?" Laudon slams shut the book he'd been reading about witches after Zul barges into his office. "Have you suddenly gone deaf, or do my requests mean nothing to you anymore? I explicitly said not to enter."

"My apologies, my prince." Zul bows in forgiveness. "But there is a dispute happening inside the training grounds that requires your attention."

Laudon sighs heavily while standing from his desk. "A dispute between a couple of low-tier demons sounds like something that you can easily handle on your own. Why is my presence required?"

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