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"Myrlande is taking you away from me." Lila pouts from the bed, her black eyes tracking Laudon's movements as he rushes to get dressed. "Am I important enough to be told why?"

"Of course you are." Laudon playfully rolls his eyes while pulling on his shirt. "But I'm afraid I don't have the time to explain. We can meet up later to pick up where we left off." Once fully dressed, he returns to the bed and pulls Lila in for a kiss. "I'll call for you."

"You better." Lila nips at his bottom lip, one hand drifting down his body to cup his softening cock. "You happen to possess the only toy in Hell that is capable of pleasing me, and before this night is over, I expect to be ravished by it. Do not forget about me, my prince."

"I could never." Laudon reluctantly pulls away to teleport to his office. He catches Myrlande standing in front of his wall of books, one of them in her hands. "Find something interesting?" 

"Indeed I have." Myrlande turns around to show what she had been reading; the book about soulmates, one Laudon had already skimmed through. "Even as a child, your father was adamant about keeping such things away from you. The talk about love, soulmates... if it did not make you stronger, he did not want you learning about it." She closes the book, putting it back where she found it. "Forgive me for prying, but how did that book come to be in your possession?"

"Does it really matter what I say? Whenever my father returns, I'm sure you or Zul will rat me out for having it in my possession." Laudon takes a seat at his desk, propping his legs up and crossing his arms over his chest. "Speaking of the devil, have you heard anything from him lately?"

Myrlande shakes her head, moving to stand near Laudon's desk. "He has not called for me, nor has he written to me in quite some time. But wherever he may be, I am certain he is well."

"Quite frankly, I'm starting to care less and less about his wellbeing as the days pass," Laudon mutters. "Well, shall we get on with this? I see you are without your kit. How will you examine me?" 

"Running the tests that I need to run will only reveal what I already know, and it is something that you should have been told a long time ago." Myrlande pauses to take a seat, purposely avoiding Laudon's gaze. "First, tell me the troubles you have been experiencing."

Unsure how to process Myrlande's cryptic response, Laudon hesitantly tells her all that he has been going through since meeting Maggie Brumfield. It is easy for him to talk about the girl and her unique powers, almost too easy. She is something special, a bit of a phenomenon. Laudon is drawn to her in ways that he cannot explain, and he hopes Myrlande will be able to provide answers to the questions that he has been asking himself again and again.

"... and that's basically it," Laudon concludes, sighing heavily. "What do you think of all this? Has she broken me or not?"

"I-I think..." Myrlande stammers, bringing her eyes back to Laudon's. "I think the girl has awoken your true powers."

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