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Hours have passed since Laudon escorted Maggie back to her home on Edreial, and still, he has yet to recover from the conversation that they had in Lucifer's office.

Not only is his mother still alive and his father been deemed untrustworthy, but Laudon is not at all the full-blooded demon that he once thought he was. He is instead a halfling; half-angel, half-demon. This is a defect that his kind will never be able to accept.

Additionally, Laudon's lifespan has been cut short by a curse set upon him by God, his mortal enemy. A curse for which there may be no cure. A curse that is not mentioned in any of Lucifer's writings, giving Laudon the impression that his father knows nothing about it.

As if that is not enough to have Laudon hit rock bottom, the curse had been triggered because of him meeting his soulmate. Out of everything that has been revealed to him, knowing that someone out there has imprinted on his soul is what continues to linger at the top of his overcrowded mind. Having only been around a handful of women during his lifetime, there are two with whom he has managed to form genuine connections with.

Lila and Maggie.

One he has known for years; the other he has recently met. One of them must be his soulmate. Given the intricate details of his curse, specifically the part about time, Laudon knows exactly who it is.

"I am done waiting for you to tell me what has been going on around here." Lila bursts into Laudon's office unannounced, a hard scowl on her face. "I know you are keeping something important from me, and as a prominent member of your inner circle, I demand to know what and why." Lila slams the door shut, then crosses her arms over her chest. "You may begin speaking."

Laudon can only laugh at the raging redhead. He is too mentally and emotionally exhausted to entertain Lila's insubordination. And knowing her, she would somehow find a way to end up enjoying whatever punishment he gave.

"You've been by my side for how many years now? And still, you cannot remember to knock before entering a place that you haven't been called to. Honestly, Lila, you're exhausting."

"I could say the exact same thing about you, darling." Lila takes the seat in front of Laudon's desk, her black eyes scanning the mess that sits atop it. "What is all this?"

"Just a few stolen goods from my father's office," Laudon casually replies. "I found out that he has been lying to me about one too many things, so I broke into his office to get some answers."

"Did you find any?"


"What do they entail?"

"Do you really want to know?"

"Have you already told Zul about whatever has been going on?"

"Yes, but he doesn't know the full story."

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