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Laudon and I make small talk while working our way through Lucifer's office.

As I empty out the drawers on Lucifers desk, Laudon busies himself by speedily reading through his father's massive bookshelf. I can't help but smile while occasionally peeking up at him, finding it cute how engrossed he becomes when he gets a good book in his hands. He'll quietly mutter to himself every now and then while reading, and when he's done, he moves on to speed read another. I wish I could adopt that ability.

"I take it you're a bit of a bookworm," I tease Laudon while taking a seat in Lucifer's massive chair. "Sorry. Are you not familiar with the term?" I ask after he gives me a puzzling look, shaking his head. "Being a bookworm simply means that you love to read."

"Ah. Then I suppose I am one." Laudon chuckles, giving his attention back to the book in his hands. "Find anything interesting over there?"

"Hard to say when I can't decipher your language. Is there no spell to fix that?" I joke. Laudon only smiles.

I finish cleaning out the drawers on Lucifers desk, having found tons of handwritten letters and tattered looking scrolls that, after tossing one to Laudon, apparently contain spells that Laudon claims he has never heard of before.

"Hey, I think you should take a break from those books and come over here to see what secrets these letters may contain. I'm willing to bet at least one of them holds some valuable information."

Laudon agrees. He places the book he'd been reading back on the bookshelf before walking over to stand next to me.

As much as I try, I can't ignore how my body reacts when we're this close together. I suddenly get hot all over and turn into a blushing mess, the desire to reach out and touch him gradually becoming more intense as the seconds pass. It's fucking weird for me to deal with considering when we first met, I wanted nothing to do with him.

"There are so many letters... I'm not sure where we should start." I randomly pluck one from the pile and pass it to Laudon, hoping for the best. "One day, you'll have to teach me how to read in whatever the hell your demon language is called. I feel useless just sitting here doing nothing."

Laudon smiles again. "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have been able to get in here, so please, never call yourself useless. You're far from it."

"If you say so." I awkwardly clear my throat and break eye contact first, trying to pretend that these feelings bubbling inside me are just another side effect of my powers getting stronger.

Yeah, that has to be it. A side effect. It would totally make sense for me to have some sort of chemical or even a hormonal imbalance after Kalleste's powers activated inside me. What else could explain my twisted attraction to Laudon, an otherworldly being that is the opposite of good for me?

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