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"How are things going with Sam?" Johnny asks during a commercial break. "You've been hanging out with him a lot more than you've been hanging out with us."

"Emphasis on a lot more," Krista adds, wiggling her eyebrows. "Spill the deets, bitch."

"There's honestly nothing to spill," I say. "We're just having fun with each other. That's it."

"Fun can be had in various ways, so are we talking innocent fun or explicit fun?" Krista smirks. "Because if it's the latter, then you definitely need to give us details."

Johnny chuckles, shaking his head. "I'd actually rather not hear anything about Samuel Carpenter's sex game. Don't need that visual in my head."

"Like I said, we're just having fun. The innocent kind." I give Krista a look. She pouts in response. "No sex has been had and there are no juicy details to be spilled. Sam is a true gentleman. He doesn't mind taking things slow and it's one of the reasons why I like him."

"You two are so damn sweet I think I'm going to vomit skittles." Krista throws a hand over her mouth, faking like she's about to regurgitate. "Seriously, though. Sam seems like a nice dude. I love that for you, Mags. You deserve someone who'll treat you like a queen."

All this talk about Sam is starting to get under my skin, and not in the cutesy way that makes me flustered and giddy. I quickly change the subject.

"Who wants more popcorn?"

I snatch the empty bowl out of Johnny's hands before either can answer, and it's a struggle climbing off my bed due to how we're laid out. I've been sandwiched between them for the last hour, the three of us barely paying attention to the movie playing on TV. It's been a while since we've hung out like this, just the three of us. No party happening in the background. No booze or drugs being passed around. It's a normal day. A normal, chill day with my two best friends.

Normal. I mindlessly pop a fresh bag of popcorn once I'm downstairs alone, my thoughts attacking me one by one. What even is normal anymore? Everything is so fucked up...

My definition of normal has changed dramatically ever since I discovered Hell is legit.

But, despite the deadline that Laudon put me on, I feel I'm owed a small break here and there. Johnny and Krista are the perfect distraction. Even though I can't fill them in on what's been happening behind closed doors, being with them has undoubtedly been healing for my mental state. I'm not as alone as I feel. Or at least that's what I've been trying to convince myself to believe.

"You're lucky to have people in your life that you can trust wholeheartedly."

I scream at the sound of Laudon's soft voice, nearly dropping the bowl of popcorn in my hands. I'm afraid to turn around and face him, so I don't. I remain still and don't make a sound.

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