Maybe it's time to quit

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"Maybe it is time to quit." Tsuchigomori sighs with a tired gaze as he hears the foxes voice.

"Whatever do you mean dear innari statue?" His voice was laced with sarcasm and exhaustion.

The month had gone by quickly, it's already hitting frigid temperatures but it's only the first week of September. Global warming is odd. Another thing that comes with cold temperatures are the more dangerous spirits, as Halloween was around the corner.

"You know what I mean. Why not try a different profession in the school? It has been years. It might liven you up a little." She spoke as she hopped off a chair, giving the spider eye contact.

"And what else could I be?" He drawled out while staring at the foxes cold eyes.

"A janitor!" The playful fox held a smirk.

"And you should be what you truly are. A piece of rock." Tsuchigomori grit out, as Yako strutted out of the room.

"Tch." He scoffs and continues to finish up paper work.


"Ah, Kou-kun. Maybe it's time to quit..." Yashiro stated as she stared at one of Kou's failed cooking experiments.

"Argh, one more time! Just, maybe... I don't know, the milk? It can work!" Kou shouts as he cleaned up everything.

"I just don't think cookies can go into cake like that..." The daikon said as she nibbled on a sugar cookie.

Kou sets out everything he needs. "It's probably been done before! A sugar cookie cake would be amazing!"

"Hmm, it would if you executed it correctly." A familiar voice rings out with a grin in her tone.

"Ah, fox lady!" Kou exclaims.

"That is not my name." Yako frowns. She hops onto the table and looks at everything.

"And besides, what is the point of mixing desserts in such a way? Why not enjoy them separately?" The little fox asks as she looks up at Yashiro and Kou.

"Cause somethings are better together." Carrot top smiled brightly. "When I finish this, i'll save you a piece!"

"I will decide if it's worthy for me to try." Yako said as she left the room.


"Maybe it's time to quit Akane..." Teru said with a disappointing gaze at his love sick friend.

"If you quit while you're ahead, you'll never succeed!" The time spirit declared as he held a bouquet of roses and another love letter for who he considers dear.

Aoi was in the garden, watering some flowers for their club after school. Beautiful sunflowers were splayed across campus for summer break until they return next year.

"Just look at her Minamoto. Don't you ever feel love for someone?" Akane gave a goofy smile.

"No." Teru deadpanned.

"Of course you wouldn't. You only care about your stupid exorcist job. You'll never find someone like that." Spirit number one scoffed and shook his head.

Then he found a familiar sword at his throat.

"You won't live long to find someone to begin with." The exorcist gave a deadly smile.

Yako ran away from that room, if she was scared, no one had to know.


"Maybe it's time to quit." A familiar feminine voice said as she looked up at the afternoon sky. "I just...I can't help everyone..." She looked at the sky as her own eyes filled with tears.

"Ah- Canaria..." Yako said sadly as she jumped into the horned girls lap.

"You are doing amazing. Do not think like that." The little fox nuzzled her face, the fur wiping off the tears off the girl.

"But Yako...I just can't. I'm tired..." She cried and hugged the woman.

"Amane is too. Believe in yourself Canaria. We are all trying, and you are succeeding." The Innari statue said as she gave a bundle of nuzzles to her cheek. "Let us go visit"

"I...yes. Okay." She said with a sniffle and floated up and across the roof top at a slow pace.

"Everyone has a limit, and you always overdo your own limit. You need someone to help you rest." Yako said as she let herself be carried. "You all are just children after all..."


"Amane?" The girls voice quietly called out.

"Hm? Oh, Tsuki? Are you okay?" Hanako immediately worried at the puffiness of his dear friends eyes. "Were you crying?"

"No." "Yes."

The two girls answered at the same time.

"You did. Why? What happened?" Hanako said as he gently pulled his fingers through her hair.

"Nothing! Nothing. I just...I don't know. Everything kind of just, came back to me." She sighed out as she leaned into his hand, surprising the other.

' must've been bad if She's leaning into physical contact...' The ghoul boy gave a small smile and went in for a hug. "Wanna meet up later for some snacks? We haven't had time to sit and talk for a while." Hanako said gently.

She hugged the other back and gave a small nod. "I'd like that."

Yako sat on her shoulder and was content with what was happening.

"I'll go set it up now. See you soon." She pulled away and gave Hanako a forehead kiss, leaving the other in a light blush and fond smile.

"Okay. See you soon." Hanako waved as She left, not noticing that Yako stayed, and that he had a visitor.


The floor was covered in the familiar black substance. And the little ghost that was emitting it, was knocked out beneath the window, a laugh was ringing out. The fox on the ground at his side.

"Aaaah~ come you didn't invite me to Tsuki's tea party? I would've loved to go too you know..." The twin said with a dark smile and empty eyes. "It's just not fair! You always have friends and you always go do fun things."

Tsukasa gripped the others dark locks and pulled Amane's head off the floor, frustrated at receiving no response. "Now you won't even talk to me?!" And slammed the others head down, hearing a crack.

'Huh...?' Everything suddenly hurt. 'But why?' Looking down at the ground he stumbled against the wall, seeing his own dark blood dripping from his head.

His eyes rested on Amane in her arms. She sent him and Yako to the infirmary with a bundle of stars. "Tsukasa..."

'The crack was...that was me. That was me! My head...!" Alarms were ringing in his head. 'run...away...? Run away. Run away! RUN AWAY!" But his legs wouldn't move.

He was roughly slammed against the wall, the structure cracking behind him, and the force causing him to cough up blood. Looking down, he saw a familiar sword, reflecting the night sky and the moon on the hilt.

And it was right through him.

"Maybe it's time to quit."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2021 ⏰

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