Kou Vision

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"Hanako-kun! Stop it!" Yashiro shrieks.

The little apparition had his arms snaked around her waist with a smirk.

'its the same everytime...' Kou frowns watching the two.

He sighs then gets up to leave.

'its not like they'll notice anyway...' Kou looks down at the floor and exits the room.

And he's right about one thing, Yashiro didn't notice. But Hanako did.


As Kou steps a foot out onto the yard, a pair of gentle hands clasps both his shoulders.

"Why are you leaving~?" That familiar voice makes him sigh.

"I'm...I'm just tired so I wanna go home and sleep." Kou looks to the floor.

Our little ghoul boy floats upside down in front of him with a small sad smile on his face.

"You don't have to lie to me boy. What's the matter?" Hanako pokes his nose.

Kou sighs and fiddles with his bag strap then mumbles something. Hanako widens his eyes and quickly sets himself straight.

"Of course you do!" Hanako frowns as he shouts.

"W-well you and senpai don't act like I do!" He had tears in his eyes.

Hanako looks shocked. Kou shakily sighs and tries to make his way past Hanako.

"Get outta my way..." He said sadly as he gently pushed Hanako away.

But he was not having it. He frowns and floated back in front of him.

"No." He crossed his arms.

"Hanako...why not." Kou angrily looked at him.

"What would you like from me." He looks down at Kou.

Kou looks quite surprised. No one's really acknowledged him like this, or even wants to be acknowledged by him.

'...mitsuba did...' he looks down at the floor sadly.

Hanako read his thoughts clearly. He solemnly floated down onto his feet and gently held Kou's hand.

"I'm sorry...I couldn't save him." He looks up at the carrot cake.

"But I can assure you, he doesn't want you grieving like this." Hanako intertwines his fingers with Kou's.

"If there's anything I can do, just name it." He felt something wet, and looked up in confusion.

'rain?' his brows slightly go up but then relax once he sees it.

Kou drops to his knees as he clutched Hanako and sobbed into him. Hanako gave a small sad smile and gently ran his fingers through his hair.

"If you need help, don't hesitate to call me. I know I joke around alot, but I can be mature for the moments you want me to be. And don't ask me again if you exist. You do Kou." He softly whispers as his hand gently pet him.


After that fiasco Kou was sitting on the grass in the garden and was dozing off. His head was in between Hanako's legs and he was laying face up staring at the clouds.

"I...don't like it when you...when you guys do that." Kou quietly said as his hands fidget together.

"Do what?" Hanako asked as he swiftly guided his fingers in Kou's hair.

"When you bother senpai like that. If you like her, why don't you date her?" Kou frowns.

Hanako deadpans and looks to the side."Ah...well...you see..."

"You don't even like her!?" Kou shouts in shock.

"Um, I do...at least I think I do. But I can't have her." He chuckled at Kou's expression.

"Why not?" Kou laid his hands down on his sides.

"Ah- I'm dead?" Hanako tilts his head with a confused smile.

Kou face palms and Hanako laughs.

"And even if there is a way I can stay with her, I don't want to." He pulled his hands away from Kou's hair.

The exorcist in training frowned at the lack of the connection, but wouldn't dare say it.

"But wouldn't you do anything to stay with her?" He looks up at Hanako.

"No...I wouldn't take her freedom from her." He gives a small sad smile.

Kou slowly nodded and felt something on his head. He gently touched it with his hand, it felt soft and cool.

'... flowers?' he widened his eyes.

He carefully removes it and widens his eyes.

"You know how to make these!?" Kou looks at him with awe in his sapphire eyes.

And for a second that's what Hanako thought they were. The sudden flip made Hanako laugh happily and nodded.

"Where'd you learn them from?! Can you teach me!?" Kou inches towards Hanako as he flipped himself on his knees.

"My friend taught me, and yes I can teach you. She actually knows more complicated crowns." He chuckles at the youths enthusiasm.

"You think she'll teach me?!" Kou smiles happily.

"Hmm, you'll have to ask your brother, boy." Hanako laughs.

"Okay! Lets start, I wanna make five of them!" He fist pumped the air happily.

Hanako smiles, his warm sunny and genuine smile and nods.

And that's what they do for the rest of the day, and Kou went home with eleven flower crowns, and a floating feeling.

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