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Hanako's eyes snapped open as he sprung up with evident panic.

The room stared at him while number five came to his side and gently held his hand. Tsuchigomori can already see the pure fear in his eyes and they began to whisper to each other.

Tsuchigomori frowned "Hey kid, calm down what's wrong?"

Hanako was trembling "a-are they okay?"

Spiderman nods while taking note of something.

'hes hyperventilating. But why?'

"Is something else bothering you?" Tsuchigomori is getting more worried by the second.

"I d-dont know! There's some-something weird, I don't-i don't like it!" Hanako clenched his chest as he was shaking like a leaf.

"Where?" Tsuchigomori waved his finger towards Yako.

She got the signal. "Okay, we must go now." She got down from her chair as she bit Kou's leg and ran.

He successfully gave chase and Yashiro was right behind him. Tsuchigomori locked the door with one of his arms as he stayed on the spot.

"Where is the feeling?" He said a bit more sternly, without the whispers.

"M-my chest..." He grunts as another wave came in.

Tsuchigomori but his lip and gently held his hand on Hanako's chest. He widened his eyes.

His brows rise '....what.'

Hanako leans forward, slightly curling in on himself in pain while clutching the teachers sleeves.

"Um I don't know how to tell you this, so I'm just going to be blunt. You now have a heart." He thinned his lips.

"oh..." he fainted, a bit too shocked and along with having little air.

"AH WAIT-" He panicked.


Kou and Yashiro were taken into an empty classroom while Yako stood on a desk.

"I had to remove you from there." Yako laid down on her paws as she looked up at the two.

"Why?" Yashiro asked in a small voice.

"Because honorable number seven would not speak if you two were in the room." She looked out the windows.

"Why not?! He doesn't trust us?!" Kou angrily shouted.

"No. It is not that. I am afraid I can not tell you why." Yako looks at them

'how can I tell them he is traumatized...'

"You shall have to ask him." She said softly with a flick of her ear.


"This is not good." Tsuchigomori frowned as Hanako panted.

He sighs and rubs his face tiredly 'he has a fever and now this. This is gonna strain him like crazy.'

Teru's breathing was regulated and after a quick nap he felt better. He sits up and sees the scene.

"Need any help sensei?" Teru stood beside him.

"I need to make an antidote, can you..?" He didn't have to finish as Teru nodded.

"Thank you minamoto. I'll be quick." He sped walked out of the room.

Teru looks at Hanako with a worried frown.  The elder takes a towelette and gently place it on Hanako's forehead, Teru takes in the wince and sighs.

Hanako's MisfortunesWhere stories live. Discover now