Flex Buddies

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It was next week Monday, and Hanako was awake and fully aware, but he was still kinda weak, just like Tsuchigomori said he also slept. A lot. And also like the teacher said, he needed to move more, so here he was in his button down white shirt, sleeves rolled up, cap off, shoes off, staring at the elder Minamoto and a friend in the school infirmary.

"hey Hanako." Teru waved.

"hello honourable number seven." She bowed with a smile.

"Tsuki!? Minamoto?!" To say he was shocked was an understatement.

"ew, don't call me that." She frowned

Hanako stared, still starstruck.

"hm? Hanako? stop staring." Teru flicked his forehead.

he perked up "ah, but..."

the two looked at him with confusion on their faces as they waited for him to speak.

"what are you doing here? You rarely leave your boundary Tsuki..." His face matched theirs with a perked brow.

She sighs and smile "i know but too many things have been happening so I've decided to come and see everyone."

Hanako nodded with wide eyes then smiled softly "okay! Although..."

He looks at the two of them in confusion. "You...know each other?"

She and Teru laughed "since Teru has been enrolled here, yes." She gave a small smile.

Hanako frowned "huh?! And he didn't try to kill you?!" Hanako angrily shrieks.

"Wellll..." She looks at Teru with a smile.

Teru rolled his eyes. "I...didn't know she was here."

Hanako squinted his eyes "....How are you an exorcist and-"

Teru squeezed his hand and he shouted.

"I couldn't sense her." Teru sighed and sat in a chair.

Hanako put his hands on his hips "...riiight...."

"I'm not going to entertain you, so let's get started." Teru huffed and stood close to Hanako.

She chuckles "well, have fun boy's. Oh! And Teru..."

He looks at her with a questionable gaze.

She winks and smiles "check the stars." She giggles and fades away.

Teru smiles then looks at Hanako.

He stared at Teru in shock. "You..."

He looks at Hanako confused. "Hm?"

"You....bonded with her?" His eyes wide with surprise.

Teru also widened his eyes and averted his gaze.

"Minamoto! You're an exorcist! Why would you even th-" A hand clamped over his mouth.

Teru leans in, his face extremely close to Hanako's, their noses slightly touching.

A glare was given "Shut it."

Hanako nodded slowly. Teru leaned back with a sigh and pulled his hand away.

"...it's for my own reasons." He looked out the window with a pointed gaze.

"...fine, I won't bother then." Hanako looks at the floor while rubbing his arm.

Teru can easily read Hanako by now, and he must have a million questions running through his head right now.

Hanako sighs and looks up at Teru with a smile 'I have a million questions right now.'

"Let's get started!" He smiles brightly.

Teru shakes his head and sighs "yaaay."



"First exercise iiiis..." Hanako frowns at the paper that was given to him.

Teru sees the picture and nods, then removes his shoes.

Teru points to the blue mat placed there. "Get on the floor."

'So demanding!' he lays down face up on the floor.

Teru gets on his knees and lifts one of Hanako's legs up.

He then looks at him "When it hurts, let me know."

Hanako stares at the ceiling with bored eyes. "Okayyy."

The exorcist leans in, while gently pushing his leg further up. Teru continues to push forward, getting a bit concerned as he was practically leaning on Hanako.

"Hanako? Does it not hurt?" Teru frowned in confusion.

Hanako looked down and realized how close they were, he looks away with a small blush.

"No....I'm flexible so nothing bothers me too much." He shrugged.

Teru nodded then did the same with the other leg, their noses nearly touching. The two looked away quickly while Teru forced down the pink that seeped into his cheeks. He cleared his throat.

"Okay, now lay face down." Teru got off and stayed on his knees.

Hanako rolls over on the mat, and his chin was on his arms. Taking a glance at the paper, he nods and puts his palm on the lower section of his back, bends his leg then gently lifts it up for twenty seconds, then repeats the process for the left leg.

"Okay, now sit up." Teru removes himself as Hanako does as instructed and stares at him. Teru sits directly behind him, Hanako's back touching his chest. The two were internally screaming.

Teru frowns a bit"...lean all the way forward."

Hanako does as instructed and moves his upper body as far as it can go, which was touching his toes. Teru puts his hands on Hanako's back and slowly pushes him more forward, then keeps it for thirty seconds. With a huff Hanako leans up and turns his head to Teru with a questionable gaze.

"It says take a fifteen minutes to rest." Teru sighs and closed his eyes while leaning against the wall.

Soon he felt a cold weight on his chest, he slowly opened his eyes and met Hanako leaning with his back on him and head on his shoulder.

"Sooo...those reasons?" He looks at him.

Teru pinched his nose with his hand. "I'm not telling you." He frowned

"I don't need to breathe you know. But the sentiment is nice." Hanako said with a smile.

Teru just laughed at how congested he sounded while Hanako sighs and closed his eyes, and the elder Minamoto followed suit. Eventually the two fell asleep.


"Ah emo spider, what shall we do?" Yako looks up at him.

Said Spiderman looked down at the scene in front of them and sighs "just leave them be i guess."

Teru was fast asleep with his chin on Hanako's shoulder, leaning on his neck, and arms wrapped around his waist. Hanako himself had the back of his head leaning on his shoulder, and arms gently on top of Teru's.

The teacher scratches the back of his neck "Yeah, let's leave them alone."


SoOoOo the picture provided here is she!
And I also added art to the previous chapter, if you want go check it out!

Also, if you want an extra chapter where these two become more intimate, or even start dating, lemme know!

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