With What Insides?

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It was lunch time for the students and the trio was on the rooftop, casually chatting away.

"Hey Hanako." Kou says as number seven perks up.

"Do ghosts get sick?" Kou tilts his head in question.

"Ah! I also wonder that alot, but since we saw you sick once I guess that's confirmed." Yashiro smiles.

"Yeah but that's not what I meant..." Kou frowns.

"Oh? What did you mean then?" Hanako smirks.

"I meant like do you vomit?"

Yashiro turns her head and Hanako looks away.

"Kou-kun, why would you want to know that?!" She shrieks while staring at him.

Hanako smiles and puts his hands up to explain "Well actually-"

Yashiro turns to him, surprised. "WhY ARE YOU ANSWERING."

"We do! Funnily enough Tsuchigomori has a pretty weak stomach and can't even see people throw up, cause he'll either get nauseated or vomit after. But if he's worried then it won't bother him at all." He gives a closed eye smile as he finished.

"Oh. Have you ever thrown up?" Kou asks intrigued.

"Why are you so interested in my insides?" Hanako asks with a laugh.

"Well, your guys' anatomy is so...weird." Kou frowns in thought.

"That is true! I've also wondered how your injuries work!" Yashiro perks up.

Hanako grins "Aw, Yashiro there's much more fun things to explore~"

A punch and a yelp was heard.


Yashiro was in her cooking class and was currently teaching a student a recipe. Unfortunately the female was very, very bad at cooking and needed someone's help.

"Okay, so, only put a teaspoon of vanilla." Yashiro smiled patiently.

The girl nods and did as instructed.

"Now mix it and put it in the oven!" The daikon smiles brightly and encouragingly.

Now that was done Yashiro went to her own project, cake! She began to hum a small tune as she grabbed the vanilla extract and poured a small amount in. Once done she also set it in the oven and began to clean while she waited. She then perked up.

'wait...I never grabbed the vanilla from that girl...' Yashiro frowned as she made her way to grab it.

'I forgot to put it back!' she smiled brightly and placed it on the shelf.


"They're going to love this!" Yashiro skips to the bathroom after school with a container in her hands.

The girl bursts in the bathroom happily and sees the two boys arguing about something.

'already?' she smiled awkwardly but quickly shook her head.

"Hey guys!"

"Hi senpai!"

"Hey Yashiro!"

They all began to speak about different topics for a bit when Yashiro suddenly introduced the cake slices. The two boys thanked her and happily ate them.

"Ah, am I that old?" Hanako frowned while the two looked at him.

"What do you mean?" Yashiro tilted her head.

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