Uncomfortable? Uncomfortable.

532 15 45

It was a quiet day. During lunch, Yashiro and Kou were talking about recent events and also, the absence of their little ghoul friend.

"It's been a week..." Yashiro pokes at her food sadly.

"I've checked the bathroom everyday but he hasn't been there." Kou huffed as he ate.

Suddenly, the prince himself comes and sits beside Kou with a gentle smile.

" you guys can't find him either huh..." Teru gave a small worried smile.

"Are you three looking for honorable number seven?" A feminine voice chimes in.

The three students look to find the little innari statue looking up at them from atop their lunch table.

Yashiro stares "Ah, when did yo-"

"Is he okay?" Kou perks up

"Um...welll... we have a...sort of small problem." She looks away.

The three students look at her with confusion instilled in their faces.

"He is a small problem isn't he, too bad that brats done such a huge mess." A very tired male states.

"Hm? Akane? You've seen Hanako this week?" Teru raises a brow.

"Yes and for once I'd rather have him over this dumb situation." The time freezer leans into his hand as his elbow rests on the table.

"Can...can you take us to him Akane-kun?" Yashiro fiddled with her fingers and looked down.

"No." He deadpans.

'SO RUDE!' The trio stares in shock.

"Number two can take you. I'm tired." He gently closes his eyes with irritation.

Then the class bell rung, signaling the end of lunch.

"Oh! Shall we go after school?" Yashiro looks at the Minamoto twins.

They nod with soft smiles.

"Ah...Number one fell asleep." Yako puts her paw to her mouth and chuckles.

"I'll bring him to class." Teru sighs and carries the other, throwing him over his shoulder.

"He didn't even budge!" Kou shouts, amazed.

"On second thought, I'll leave him in the infirmary." Teru frowns and waves to the two students and fox.

They then separated and headed to their classes.


"Alright class. Pop quiz!" The teacher shouts.

Kou frowns in disappointment and looks up at his current teacher.

'This dumb spider sensei.' He huffs as the paper was placed in front of him.

He grabs his pencil, looks up and immediately freezes up. There was the little missing ghost they've all been looking for, clinging koala style onto his teacher, and his face hidden from the world into the spiders back.

'HANAKO!?' Kou's mouth stood open as he stared.

He shook his head and quickly filled out the quiz. Then he stood up and quickly raised his hand.

"Sensei I finished my quiz! Okayigottagotothebathroombye!" Kou then zooms out of the class.

Tsuchigomori sighs and shakes his head tiredly, he goes over to the desk and takes a look at the sheet.



Kou zooms to the very familiar bathroom and looks around and spots the mokke.

Hanako's MisfortunesWhere stories live. Discover now