Sleepy Haze

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It was a chilly morning, snow had covered the ground in a lovely deadly blanket of white. It sparkled as the sun came up, and a pair of eyes similar to the bright star had been staring out of a window.

Hanako was looking out at the scenery while thinking deeply to himself. Winter recess is approaching and that means the students won't be there for a week or two. He huffed in annoyance.

'I never had anyone before. So why am I so...upset?'

He sighed and crossed his arms on the window sill, and laid his head down while gazing outside, then sat down, having his legs crossed. Hanako just wanted his feelings to go away, or to at least die them down a bit. Missing someone hurts, especially if you can't go to them.

'stupid sins.'

While staring outside he managed to doze off, not realizing a group of mokke had come and situated themselves with Hanako. It was a cute scene, honestly. The cold had lulled them into a deep sleep.



Yashiro deadpanned at the sight. A big group of mokke surrounding Hanako.


She went over to touch his shoulder but a mokke stopped her.

"Stop it."

Yashiro was surprised. And also confused. Why weren't they letting her near him? She's been near him before while they were around.

"Why aren't you letting me be next to him?"

She whispered as not to wake him.

"He's tired."

The mokke frowned. Yashiro widened her eyes in realization.

"Are you... protecting him?"

She asked as she pet the mokke. It stopped it's frowning and sighed in content while nodding. Yashiro chuckled and nods.

"Okay, sorry for bothering!"

She whispered with a smile then quietly headed off. The mokke happily went to sleep, with a simple thought.

'she's nice.'

If only everyone were nice.


Yashiro had walked into Tsuchigomori's office and told him of the scene upstairs. He chuckles and gives a small smile.

"Honorable seven rarely rests, so when he does the mokke protect him."

He explained while scribbling some test scores. Yashiro giggles hearing the explanation.

"That's sweet."

She gives a small smile as Yako nods. Tsuchigomori then gives a smirk while looking at Yako.

"Sometimes, even number two watches over him."

Yako glares daggers at him.

"Stupid emo spider!"

She bites him while Yashiro and him laugh.


One of the mokke had perked up, sensing someone coming towards the bathroom with speedy footsteps, they all woke up and stared at the door as they suddenly halted. A few minutes went by and they settled down once more, only for the door to be roughly opened and a carrot top boy to shout.

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