So Young

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It was quite the sunny afternoon and here was Yashiro Nene trying not to faint.

'Minamoto, THE Teru Minamoto is here! With me!' She gleamed into the ceiling.

The two blondes look at her in worry.

'is she okay?' they both stare with worry.

Kou shook his head "senpai, we have to watch over Hanako." He frowned a bit at her actions.

"Ah! Right!" She nods while blushing in embarrassment.

They all sit down and Kou began to speak with Yashiro about the situation while Teru had his own thoughts.

'...this is so odd.' He huffed and put his head in his hand.

'i only caved in because...' Looking over, the exorcist takes note of the spirits appearence.

" young." He frowns and a bit of irritation seeps through.

"Teru-nii? What's that look for?" Kou looks into his eyes with confusion.

Teru stares back and sighs with a smile while giving him a head pat. "It's nothing Kou."

Yashiro leaves them to their brotherly moment and walks over to Hanako.

'he hasn't moved at all...' she furrows her brows in worry, tears forming at her eyes.

The two boys notice and head over to the bed.

"It'll be alright senpai! Hanako always bounces back!" Kou smiled brightly as he touched her shoulder.

"I agree, he is much tougher then he looks." Teru gives his signature smile and touched the other shoulder.

Yashiro was in cloud nine.

Teru looked at the time and raised his brows in alarm.

"Maybe you two should head home. It's gotten quite late." He looked down at them.

Yashiro raises a brow with confusion and checks her phone and shrieks.

"4:56!? That was fast! Okay I'll see you tomorrow guys!" She grabs her back and runs out of the room.

"Ah man I gotta make dinner, see you later Teru-nii!" Kou looks at him while Teru gives one more pat and he leaves the school for the day.

The elder closes the door and sits down in a chair near the bed while letting his thoughts flow.

'A student? With an apparition? That doesn't sound good. And he had a bat, which means he's one of those delinquents. I have to investigate this.' He sighs and looks over to the bed.

The sky met the sun.

"W-what are you doing here?" Hanako asks, words slightly not sounding right, and slowly gets up to get put of the bed and run, his face etching in a bit of fear, eyes widened and inching away in evident pain.

Teru frowned and got up with arms raised. "Hey-"

Hanako flinched, arms raised to his face while falling back. In a state of panic, Teru grabbed him. One hand on his back and the other, on his wrist. Hanako feebly attempted to get away but he was too weak to do so. He still tried.

"Could you- please just- Hanako!" Teru shouted angrily, causing Hanako to flinch and kick him away, making Hanako fall off the bed anyway.

The impact hurt. Hanako winced and hissed in pain behind the bed. And Teru clutched his stomach in pain. He frowned, completely annoyed by this situation.

"W-what the hell Hanako?!" Teru shouts fiercely.

Hanako hid in the corner and pulled his legs up while having his head on his knees. He didn't do much but he was exhausted and can see his edges turning black.

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