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"I am way too sober for this." Alex dismissed.

Stella grinned, she knows all of Alex's buttons and just how to press them, "Alex, you know this trip is for you. And I wouldn't ever dream of hijacking it. Like ever. I'm just keeping you accountable, because you did say you wanted to get out there and try things you normally wouldn't."

Their server brought their drinks, and they settled to share a turkey club and a garden salad.

"And a glass of wine please." Alex added before the server could ask if there was anything else.

Stella raised an eyebrow, surprised. She knew her best friend hated wine, especially red, "Look at you!"

Alex held up her index finger before tipping her head back to down both shots, and chasing it with one of the margaritas, "Don't get too excited. The wine was for you."

"What the heck!" Stella exclaimed, earning herself a few curious glances before she regained her composure and lowered her voice, "I got one of each for both of us!"

"I told you I'm too sober for this, but" Alex sculled the second glass of margarita, "this is for you."

Alex got up before she could talk herself out of this outrageously out-of-character move. She walked over to the bar and straight for the guy who still, funnily enough actually still had his goggles on, and tapped his shoulder.

He looked up. And if she wasn't completely overcome by nerves she would think this whole thing was funny.

She cleared her throat, "So uhm, yeah." She probably needed more time to let the liquid courage go through her veins and enter her bloodstream. But she marched on, "You totally don't have to but if you and your friends are up for it, maybe you guys could uhh, join us."

He had his awkward smile on his face. "I guess it's the least you can do after that head injury, aye?"

Alex never really knew if she blushed and maybe it's just the tequila, but her cheeks definitely felt flushed. She managed to get out a "Yeah."

And shortly after, they had all squished themselves into the small square table that would've hardly been been big enough for four.

Goggles, who was awkwardly standing around without a chair looked around before grabbing an empty chair from another table.

"I would've happily let you sit on my lap, bog!" It was the third guy—a lanky one with blonde hair— was sitting next to Alex on her right.

Goggles was about to set his chair between his two friends before Lanky scooted ever so slightly to his right, making Goggles sit next to Alex.

She was relieved that Stella was with her. She's the outgoing one so Alex knew that She didn't really have to worry about getting the conversation going. Her best friend was already having an easy conversation with Lanky and the guy with red hair, whom if Alex heard correctly, was named Ethan.

"How's the head?" was Alex's honest attempt at making conversation.

"You know, it was pretty good for a fiver." was Goggles' response.

It took at least full 2 seconds, while she was halfway through a big gulp of sparkling water before what he said had clicked. And the next thing she knew, she was coughing water up.

"Oh no. Are you alright?" he was handing her a cloth table napkin and tentatively patting her back.

She had tears going down her cheeks while simultaneously coughing and stifling a laugh. "Wow, lag." she eventually said, commenting on how long it took her to understand what he meant.

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