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Alex threw the last piece of her Calamari right into Cal's face.

"Oh mate." Cal laughs, "Is that you trying to get me to leave you two alone then?"

"Oh my goddd!" Alexa was exasperated, "You're making me need another 5 drinks."

"Go on then lad, let's go." Cal was already flagging the server for another round of beer, with Alex interjecting to add 3 shots of tequila.

"Just so you guys know, the tequila is mine." Alex said, "I only acted like it's a round for everyone because I didn't want to get cut off."

"Oh nelly." Harry laughs, "She's showing us up, lad."

"How are you not on the floor right now?" Cal asked, commenting on how much she has already had to drink.

"Pro binge drinker." Alex smiled through the first of the 3 shots.

Harry inhales, messing his hair up before putting both his hands on his head. The server mistook Harry raising his hands as him trying to get their attention.

"Was there anything else I could get you? How is everything?" the server picked up Alex's now-empty calamari plate, and a couple of empty glassware.

"Can we, uhh, get a round of Sambuca, please?" Harry improvised, "And maybe some water."

Alex, who was looking at everyone's half empty pint glasses, almost asked for another round of beer but stopped herself. She had a nagging suspicion that she was millimetres away from getting cut off if she doesn't pretend to slow down. So she nursed her beer.

"And just so you lot know, the Sambuca is all mine..." Harry proclaimed, mocking Alex.

"Alright," Alex was looking at him through the bottom of her pint, "Sambuca is gross anyway."

"Oh how dare you." Harry said in mock outrage.

"Alright, okay lads." Cal said, picking his glass up, "I am off after this drink. I can't handle being the third wheel while you two make eyes."

With that, Cal chugs the rest of his drink and gets up. Harry wore his awkward grin and reached to scratch his shoulder, "You're actually leaving?"

"Yep. Now behave yourselves." Cal waves and leaves just as the server as placing the Sambuca shots down.

Alex straightened up in her seat, "Tell you what, and this is only because I'm trying to be nice... but I'll trade you a shot of tequila for one of your sambuca. Yeah or yeah?"

"Nah mate." Harry said. He reached over to take back the Sambuca shot in front of Alex, knocking it back and wincing a bit, "You said it was gross."

"Well it is, I'm just trying to save you from yourself." Alex quickly reached over and stole the one from in front of Harry. She knocked it back and struggled to keep herself from making a face, "Oh god, that's gross. I regret everything."

Harry just laughs before reaching for one of Alex's shots of tequila, "Tequila is worse."

"Hold on." Alex reaches over to stop Harry's arm before he could drink the tequila. She was starting to relax and be herself more, with the help of all the alcohol. "One, how dare you? And two, how dare you?"

He just looks at her, confused. She scoots her chair closer to Harry's putting the little plate of limes and salt between them. Harry moves his arm to try and scratch the back of his head but Alex grabbed his hand and held it in place, putting it back down on his lap.

"Alright." Alex started, "If I am to graciously give you one of my tequila, you will drink it properly. So salt, tequila, lime. None of this straight for the shot nonsense, alright?"

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