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The next couple of hours were even more of a blur as they rushed from Alex's downtown apartment to the airport. They had barely made it in time—largely thanks to the fact that they did not have to check any bags in.

It was such a massive rush that Alex didn't even have enough time to process everything for long enough to have a proper freak out. For his part, Harry seemed to thrive or at least cope quite well in chaos.

Alex couldn't be sure if he was just putting on a front to keep her calm—and if he was then he did a great job at it.

Their plane was already boarding when they got to the terminal, Harry holding Alex's hand throughout most of the ordeal. He passed Alex her plane ticket—he had to be the responsible one, oddly enough because Alex just looked like she was very close to crumbling as they rushed through the airport.

By now, she had completely ingrained in Harry just how much she hated being in a rush and being late. And by late she meant not being ridiculously early.

As stubborn as Alex can be about not just constantly letting a guy take the lead (because yes, she can be sensitive about not being treated like the strong, independent woman she strives to be), this time Harry had pretty much taken the lead since they left her apartment. She brain was so riddled with anxiety, she knew better than to be stubborn.

"Wait what?" Alex said, confused as they sat down on their seat.

Harry let Alex in first so she can take the window seat, as he placed his bag in the overhead compartment, then gestured for Alex to hand over hers as well. She mouthed a thanks as she did so, looking around the plane, as panic and overwhelm starts to settle in.

"Business class? Really?" she whisper-shouted as soon as Harry sat down next to her.

He gave a shrug, "It was all Josh could find on short notice. And you said it was today or your gonna pussy out, so..."

He let the sentence linger as he pouts and gestures with his hands.

Alex called upon every ounce of self-restraint not to hurt him after that last comment. Instead, she leaned back on her seat, taking a deep breath—now that the rush to get to their flight on time has subsided, she was starting to feel a different kind of rush. One of overwhelming anxiety.

This was actually happening. She is on a spur of the moment flight to London with this dickhead. This was definitely not something she would've normally done. Not without weeks if not months of deliberation.

"I'm not the best at plane rides by the way." she nudged his shoulder just as the flight attendants started going through the safety guidelines.

"Need a hand to hold?" he smirked, knowing full well how anything that resembles public displays of affection would make Alex feel like crawling under a rock—thankfully he felt similarly.

"I'd rather a joint. But a Xanax might do." she matched the cocky smirk that still lingered on his face.

She reached into the pocket of her hoodie and produced an orange prescription bottle. She rolled her eyes at what seemed to be concern forming on Harry's face. She elbowed him gently, "Don't give me that bullshit. It's prescribed. I'm alright, just anxious."

"I didn't say anything." Harry shrugged, down playing his concern.

"It was all over your face." Alex smirked, "And besides, if I have another blackout, you're right there. And I'm giving you advanced consent to have your way with me if you please."

She didn't want him to start being weird with her again. She wasn't keen on the extra concern—she understood it, but she doesn't want it. So she was set on making light of it all until they can just move past all the weird parts or just dance around it.

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