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Not being a morning person, Alex groaned as a tiny sliver of light peeked through the window covers and danced across her face. She covered her face with her arm and attempted to go back to sleep. But she was startled awake to feel someone's warm breath against the back of her neck.

"Fuck." she hissed, as she bolts straight upright and pushed an arm that was wrapped around her before remembering where she was.

The breath, was of course, Harry's.

"What?" he said, his voice low, raspy and groggy from sleep.

It appears that throughout the night's sleep they had found themselves inching into each other. And Alex had unwittingly used Harry's arm as a pillow, comfortably sinking into his body, playing the little spoon.

"Sorry, forgot where I was." she explained, then laughed "Got spooked."

She looked back at him, still comfortably laying down, his eyes puffy from just waking up. It was probably the first time she allowed herself to give him a proper look without panicking about getting caught staring, and quickly wanting to avert her eyes.

He looked adorable, with his messy blond bedhead and blue eyes just barely visible through puffy eyelids that he began to rub with the back of his hands

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He looked adorable, with his messy blond bedhead and blue eyes just barely visible through puffy eyelids that he began to rub with the back of his hands. His presumably naturally pale skin had a tan--something Alex found a bit curious since she felt like she has been stuck in winter for the past half a year. But then again she didn't really know what weather he was coming from.

He was slowly getting up, propping himself up on his elbows, "Morning lad." He grinned.

"Morning, Harry." she said, copying his tone.

His grin grew into a smile. Then as if waking up has reminded him he was meant to be awkward, his hand starts reaching for his shoulder for a scratch.

"Hold on." Alex says inching away before fully turning to face him, "Where did your shirt go?"

He looked down and seemed almost as surprised as her to find that he wasn't wearing his shirt anymore. He pulled the covers higher to cover himself, something that just made Alex laugh.

"I don't know, lad." he started, as if he were retaking his steps, "I don't know. I know I fell asleep with them on. Must've taken them off in my sleep."

Alex shook her head in disbelief, "Well thank god you didn't just take your pant o--" She stopped mid sentence just then realizing she didn't really know for sure what he was or wasn't wearing under the covers.

He started laughing and waving his hands 'no' in front of him, before lifting the covers to check, "No, we're good. We're good."

"I'll have you know, I'm a lady." she was struggling to keep a straight face on, "I don't get naked with a guy on the first night?"

"And I don't sleep with a girl after the first date--I mean day." he was mocking her, "But here we are are: me without a shirt and you without trousers."

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