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"You've been to Banff a lot then?" Harry asked as they walked into the lodge, heading to his suite.

"I don't know about a lot. A few times. But first time here in Sunshine." Alex has been living in Calgary for a couple of years but hasn't really explored much of the city or the surrounding mountains as much as she wish she could.

She was so anxious about the time and her phone being dead, that she couldn't even really let herself process the fact that she was now walking into a random person's suite.

"Alright here we are." Harry said in a weird voice that reminded Alex of a TV presenter. He fumbled a bit at the door, but kept an awkward smile on his face before adding, "Ok, now the phone charger."

It almost sounded like he was trying desperately to fill the silence, except both of them were so terrible at small talk.

"Here we go." he pulled out a lightning cord and a power adapter from his backpack. He fumbled around looking for a free socket, but ended up having to unpluga lamp instead.

Alex walked over to plug her phone in, "Thanks."

"Alright then," he said looking around the room,  walking over to the desk, "I don't really know what I have here, but do you want a drink? Food?"

"Nah I'm alright." she was staring intently at her phone as if willing it to come back to life.

"Hmm, no mini fridge. Those cheap bastards!" he laughs and added, "First they take away my alcohol at check in and now no mini bar. Well I'm definitely giving this place zero stars."

"There's a bar downstairs." Alex still hasn't lifted her eyes from her phone.

"I know. I know." he still has that grin on his face, "It's the principle though."

"Or what if you wanted a drink after hours?" Alex chimed as if she though he was being completely reasonable. Then finally her phone starts up and she immediately opens her messages.


Having fun?

Looks like you're having fun. ;)




What time were we supposed to leave?

Alex quickly scrolled through 23 messages, the last of which brings her back to full panic and cussing under her breath, "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."

"What's going on?" she heard Harry ask, but Alex was already calling Stella who answered after the first ring.

"Where are you?!" came her best friend's voice.

"Where are you?" Alex echoed.

"Just got off the gondola." there was a lot of shuffling in the background, "And I think we just missed the shuttle... or did you take it and leave me out he--"

"Wait, what time is it?" panic was consistently building up in her, "My phone died and I'm still up at Standish."

"Oh." This short response took Alex all the way to the edge of a full on panic attack.

Working hard to steady her voice, "Fuck."

At the corner of her eyes she had been watching Harry pacing the room aimlessly--something that only added to her anxiety. She wanted so bad to chuck something at him and tell him to sit down. Except they were still strangers, and she couldn't possibly do that to someone who had kindly lent her a phone charger.

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