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On Harry's last day in Calgary, they went to Alexs' apartment. They had been holed up at Harry's hotel room, then Alex figured she had to face real life at some point.

She was hesitant to go. She was worried about what state her apartment would be in—after all, it was where Kate brought the Molly and the rest of the harder party favours.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked, squeezing her hand at they stepped out of the elevator.

"Peachy." Alex said, smirking.

He wrapped and arm around her waist, walking right beside her, as if trying to both be a physical and moral support. It was a cute gesture—something Alex wouldn't have expected if she were to base her opinions of him solely from his online personality.

They entered her apartment unit, Harry stepping in first as if ready to sacrifice himself to shield her from whatever danger laid behind the doors. Emerging from behind Harry, she took a look around. The place was a mess, yes. But it wasn't nearly as bad as she had expected it to be. Bottles and drinking glasses littered both the living room and kitchen. There wasn't much else other than those—no questionable powders or baggies.

"I was tempted to just get a cleaner come in. But I wasn't sure if there would be illegal substances." Alex said, feeling  self conscious about the state of her apartment and potentially opening the can of worms that was that night.

"I don't know what you're talking about. Your place is still much tidier than mine." he said partially in an effort to comfort her, but also because it was true. Tidying his own room was never his strong suit.

She gave him an appreciative smile, "I'd rather be at yours though."

"Well, I'd been begging you to come to mine." he pouted.

Not really feeling like staying at her place, they didn't end up staying long. Harry was nice enough to help her pick up the bottles and drinking glasses, and they took the recyclables to the bottle depot first thing after heading back out—all the empties earning Alex a whopping $13.60 Canadian.

"Okay, I'm buying lunch. Because I'm loaded now." Alex joked as they drove away from the bottle depot.

"Buying me some Nando's?" Harry smiled. He was definitely a cheap date—and still with the Nando's regardless of where he was.

"Done." Alex agreed, genuinely glad for Harry's help getting all the recycling out of her small apartment. It felt a bit like a weight being lifted to have her place rid of all the empty bottles of alcohol—which could've easily been a constant reminder of that night.

That being said, she didn't get rid of all the bottles of liquor and beer at her apartment. She wasn't a saint, after all. And she still very much had a borderline unhealthy relationship with alcohol. That wasn't something that was going to change overnight—not even after the aforementioned night.

They ate at Nando's like normal people—with Harry instantly knowing what he wanted; while Alex hum and hawed about what she'd have. She liked Nando's sure, but she definitely hadn't have it as frequently as the boy who knew his order by heart.

In the end she just copied Harry's order: A double chicken wrap except she asked for extra hot and just sweet potato fries for her side. She thinks Harry goes a little overboard with the sides. But he's a 'big, growing boy', she assured him, saying he definitely didn't order too much.

"Are you trying to call me fat?" Harry quipped, poking out his lower lip and feigning hurt.

Alex smirked, "No, I'm calling you a big, growing boy."

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