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To say that the drive to Harry and Cal's flat was a bit awkward for Alex would be a big understatement. To the boys' credit, they all made a conscious effort to include her. And Alex knew that much of the awkwardness was largely due to the fact that she was incredibly socially awkward around new people--especially when she was sober.

So it was a relief when they finally arrived. Being crammed in a car with four boys felt exhausting to her. Nothing personal, Alex was just a really anxious introvert even at the best of times.

"I just noticed! You're wearing Bog's blue jumper!" new Cal exclaimed, making the two other boys looks.

"Oh my god, that is absolutely adorable!" the light haired Cal joined in. Alex made a mental note that she was going to need to figure out how to address the two Cals, because it was getting weird.

"Oh shit! From your chair throwing days!" was Ethan's contribution, of course adding a laugh as he pats Harry on the back.

Alex looked down at her feet, unsure how to act. She had actually already forgotten that she was wearing Harry's W2S hoodie. So she just wore an awkward smile while she stood a step behind Harry as he and the rest of they boys eventually walked in.

Alex being Alex, just could not help but feel out of place.

Thankfully, Harry noticed and brushed his hand against hers, just before taking her hand "Let's put our stuff away."

Ethan on his part, thought he was being quiet and discreet as he nudged Cal #1 pointing his head at Harry and Alex's direction. Subtlety was not Ethan's strong suit, although to be fair this seems to also ring true for Harry and the rest of the boys.

"Aye! Get in Bog!" Cal #1 called out just as Harry was leading Alex to his bedroom.

"Leave the lovebirds alone." Cal #2 said, pretending to defend the two while still teasing them.

"Fucks sake." Harry muttered, flipping his friends off without looking back, Alex's hand still securely in his.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" they heard Ethan calling out.

One of the Cals retorted with, "That's like giving them permission to do absolutely anything."

Harry closed his bedroom door, now also feeling a bit anxious. He could feel the tension in Alex--it was a bit different now that they weren't in their own little world. For one, the teasing from his friends was something he hopes would die down soon.

"Sorry--" they said at the same time, both pausing to let the other speak.

Alex laughed a bit, "This is so ridiculous, isn't it? Why is it so awkward?"

Alex covered her face with her hands, rubbing her eyes before remembering she had mascara and eyeliner on. She scrunched up her face as she looked at her makeup-stained hands before lifting her head in exaggerated frustration.

"Now I got raccoon eyes." she moaned.

Harry placed both hands on her shoulders, "You're adorable."

"Cringe." she said, making them both laugh.

And just like that, things felt a little less tense. They walk into a room together, and it was as if the rest of the world had melted away. Whether this was a good thing, Alex wasn't sure. It felt like she only knew how to be with him when there wasn't anyone else around; but at the same time she was comfortable with being alone with him—that part she knew was good, even rare for her.

"Fuck, I feel like I already need another shower." Alex muttered, remembering her two consecutive showers just before their flight.

Harry scratched his shoulder and smiled, pointing her towards his bathroom, "That's alright. I'll order food so it's ready when you're done."

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