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They had a now-empty Nando's takeout bag on the floor. Harry gathered the trash and his empties, before Alex got up to take the empties from him.

"Recycling." she explained, walking to the kitchen to rinse the bottles off before putting them into a big recycling bin close to the entranceway, that he couldn't believe he didn't noticed before.

"Alright. So you recycle." he said as if taking note of the things he is just learning about her.

She gave him a weird look before smirking, before handing him another bottle of cold beer. He cracked it open and took a swig as he watched her start to mix herself another drink on the counter. She had a bag of ice, a ridiculous 32 ounce cup she usually used for protein shakes, and a few bottles in front of her.

He rested his chin on her shoulder again, watching what she was working on.

"Let me make it." he said, his arms on either side of her waist. He scooped some ice with his bare hands filling her glass a third of the way, then added way too much triple sec, squeezing half a lime in, way too much tequila.

"Are you trying to get me wasted?" she laughed, lifting the tequila bottle up and away from her glass.

"Maybe a little." he laughed, adding some sparkling water into her drink, "Its the Harry special. Don't worry."

He was heading back to the kitchen when she reached for his hand and dragged him to the bedroom instead.

He gave her a look, in his mind he was raising an eyebrow, "Got other plans?"

She punched his arm, a bit more forcefully than she meant to, "Shut up."

She crossed her legs shorty after jumping onto the bed. While normally, being in bed with someone might feel a bit strange, Harry surprisingly felt comfortable despite how awkward he usually was. Alex was just so childlike in her mannerisms, the despite himself, Harry thought it was difficult to think of anything weird or untoward, as he sat himself onto the bed, next to her.

He leaned his back against her headboard as he took another swig of beer. She had the Harry Special on her lap, almost completely full aside from the generous gulp that she had before they got to her room.

She was at least easily 1 third of a bottle of tequila by then, and if she closed her eyes long enough, everything started spinning.

Between the shots from a bit earlier in the night and the drinks she had mixed herself since they got back to her place, her head felt all sorts of equal parts funny and heavy. She lifted the tumbler to her mouthed took more than a couple of gulps before closing it again and leaning her head against Harry's shoulder.

"Tired?" he asked, gently resting his own head on top of hers.

She had another couple of generous gulps of the drink Harry had made her, "A little."

Alex could feel her head getting heavier by the second, as the quiet stretched between the two of them. She was sliding further and further down onto the bed, pulling Harry with her.

"Should I go?" she heard Harry ask tentatively as her own arms wrapped around his torso.

"Don't be an idiot." she said dismissively, starting to burry her face into Harry's chest and pulling his arm over her.

Harry gave in to the heavy comfort of sleep. Enveloping Alex into an embrace, "I can't help but be an idiot around you."

"I can't tell if I'm feeling butterflies or cringe." she said, half asleep, possibly being less and less aware of what was coming out of her mouth.

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