Chapter 2

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I felt a heavy step walk onto the bus, I Looked over and I saw a tall, brown haired boy walk onto the bus, he had a cowboy hat and boots and he immediately reminded me of home, but instead of being upset as usual, the biggest smile grew on my face as I tried to hide it when he started to walk towards me and sat in the seat in front of me.

He took his hat off and placed it beside him, I paused for a slight second before putting my walkman on and looked back out the window glancing at him from time to time.

After a while the bus pulled to a stop and everyone started to get off the bus, I hesitantly stood up and started walking to the front of the bus. I stepped off the bus and stepped into a giant puddle, I sighed and flipped my hood over my head. I grabbed my bags and pulled it over my shoulder, a man walked out of the school doors and towards us and told us to bring our bags inside and they will bring them to our rooms when we get the tour of the school.

I sigh in relief not wanting to carry my bags around the back of the school, we brought all our stuff into the boot room, the people slowly took all our stuff to the dorms as we waited for someone to tell us what we should do next. I saw a bench and walked over and sat down. I taped my foot to the beat of my music, as the man came back and told us to follow him, he walked us through the school and showed us to our dorms. He didn't tell us where any of our classes were so I got a bit annoyed. He then told us when food was and who we would be sharing a room with.

He then left, I opened one of my bags and grabbed my quilt, wrapped it around me and flopped onto my bed. "You know they give you blankets here right?" The girl I was sharing a room with said "Yeah I know. I'm Carmen by the way" I replied "Julie" she replied with a smile. I then got up and started unpacking all my clothes into my dresser.

After a while I was somewhat done unpacking all my stuff, I went down the hall to a little common room and a kid was sitting on the couch. I walked over "Can I sit?" I questioned, he nodded and passed me the remote, I turned it on the tv and put on my baseball game.

I looked over to see him looking at me confused. I just tried to ignore it and asked "what's your name?" "Luis, Luis Mendoza" he hesitantly replied, he then asks " like baseball?" I let out a little laugh "Yeah" we both then just sat in silence until my game was over and it was time for dinner. "We should head to the cafeteria and get some food." I said as I turned off the tv. "Good idea, I'll get the others," he replied after a few seconds. I nodded and started walking towards the cafeteria. I walked in and I recognized a few kids scattered around the room from the bus I just assumed that they were other kids with scholarships or parents sent them here early, I then grabbed my food and sat down at an empty table. 

After a few minutes the same Cowboy that had caught my eye earlier on the bus walked up to the table, "Howdy, may i sit?" He questioned. My head snapped up towards him surprised and I nodded, my stomach started spinning. He sat across from me and we sat in dead silence. more kids came and sat, after a few minutes of them just talking I pulled my walkman from around my neck and started playing my music. I taped my foot to the beat. As I ate I could feel my eyes leading up from my plate to him, my eyes reading what he was saying from his lips.

After I was done eating I went to stand up as he said "Y/N right?" "Yeah?" "We're fixin to hang out later in the common room, wanna join?" He questoned while taking off his hat. "Yeah sure why not." I replied with a slight smile as I turned around and walked out of the cafeteria.

I walked to our common room and sat down on one of the couches, soon after everyone started to trickle in. Soon the tall cowboy walked in and over to me, and said "Howdy, may I sit?" the exact way that made my stomach spin at dinner, Luis walked over to the tv, slipping a cassette tape and pressed play. The movie started playing and it ended up being a comedy, the goonies to be exact my favorite movie of all time. The storm outside got worse as the movie continued to play. 

After the movie was over everyone went to their rooms. I sat by the window, watching the thunder in the distance, the wind blowing the trees so much they were almost touching the ground. I stood up and walked to my room passing the little kitchen, seeing the tall cowboy pouring himself a glass of water. I turned back and walked over reaching for a glass as he looked over he saw that I couldn't reach, he grabbed the glass and lightly placed it in my hand saying "there you go missy" I lightly smiled and in a light tired voice I replied, "Thank you" as he handed me the jug of water as he said "Goodnight" and walked out. I stood there with a slightly shocked look on my face thinking how it's the first day and I'm already falling for the first brown haired boy I could find.

I poured my water and walked to my room, I wrapped myself in my quilt and put my earbuds in. I laid down and slowly drifted off to a heavy sleep. 

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