Chapter 17

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I felt my heart racing as Dwayne sat behind me on the horse, Connie and Guy were literally in a tree above us so they saw the entire thing. Me and Dwayne were laughing as Cole rolled around on the ground saying he'll get us back for it. We headed towards the stables.

Once we got there we brushed the horse we borrowed and headed back to the dorms. Everyone was sitting on the couches, eating a bunch of food. Dwayne and I joined them and they filled us in on the fact that they agreed to a game the next morning with the varsity team.

The giant smile that was still on my face quickly faded as I snatched the sandwich from Averman hands and stormed out of the room. Dwayne followed after me and we both sat on the floor of my room and talked about random stuff until I climbed into my bed saying, "Goodnight Cowboy." before falling asleep.

Dwayne's POV:

Y/N seemed annoyed with the team, she seemed fine with me and we ended up sitting on the floor of her and Julie's room talking about Hockey which turned into how I met Wayne Gretzky before she stood up and climbed into bed as she said, "Goodnight Cowboy." Which sent butterflies around my stomach.

I walked out of her room and towards the team who were still sitting in the living room. "Why was she so upset?" Charlie said looking over to me, "Yeah she should be happy we get to beat them." Russ responded. "I don't know... I don't think she wants to." I said as I walked back towards the kitchen and made myself a sandwich.

I woke up early the next morning to arguing, I got up and walked towards the arguing. "Howdy." I said as I turned the corner, I turned the corner and saw Russ and Y/N arguing about who knows what. They both turned towards me and Y/N walked towards me. She gave me a light smile before walking past me and disappeared into the hallway behind.

Everyone was in the locker room getting ready, everyone except Y/N was happy and quickly getting into their gear. She seemed more worried and upset as she got her gear on.


Everyone skated on the ice just as varsity did the same. We circled around the ice as the moon light slightly shone through the light deprived rink. Our sticks slid along the ice as we skated around the rink, I watched as Goldberg and Julie talked at the post and Averman circled around Rick before Rick pulled him closer making Averman quickly skate away.

I skated towards Dwayne coming to a stop right in front of him as he smiled at me, "In the locker room everyone was so cheery but now everyone is serious. It takes the fun part of Hockey out of it eh." I said slightly nudging him. "Yeah, you're right, little lady." He replied with a big smile before skating away.

I felt a smile grow on my face as I watched him skate away but it quickly faded as Noah skated into my line of vision and I quickly skated to the bench beside the rest of my team. I intensely watched as everyone got into position and the game started. Charlie was imminently knocked to the ground as Guy and Connie tried to block Rick and were knocked over and the goal was let in.

I looked over to Noah who skated past me with a smug smile plastered across his face. I rolled my eyes at the boy as my blood started to boil. I sat on the bench as Charlie and everyone else who was on the ice started the flying V. I didn't like the move and knew my brother better than anyone and knew he would have watched the videos from the goodwill games.

Just as I thought Noah quickly got out and knocked them all down before shooting me another smug smile. I knew he would do that but we weren't even a few minutes in and already twice. As Noah was having a victory dance literally dancing as the game went on, the rest of his team quickly took the chance and scored another goal.

All I wanted to do was punch his smug face to the ground. I got out of the box and watched the face off and pushed my brother to the ground trying to get someone a chance to score, that someone quickly turned into the other team as I held myself from punching Noah in the exact spot he broke it a few years before.

But I wasn't going to be petty and kept playing the game. The game went on and everyone on my team kept tripping but I noticed that none of the varsity boys were tripping me. Well other than Noah. But when one of the Varsity boys knocked Goldburg out of the net as Rick quacked at him everyone skated over and started arguing.

I stood behind Dwayne as Rick came in his face, "You want some, Punk?" Rick snapped. "Settle down, boys." Dwayne responded as I grabbed his arm and started skating away, "OH so you have a little girl friend, HUH!" Rick said as my head snapped back towards them. I let go of Dwayne's arm and took off my helmet. I looked straight at Noah making straight eye contact, "Common darlin." Dwayne said in a calming voice as he placed his hand on my arm.

The game continued, next thing I knew Noah had smashed into me and I was on the ground. No one seemed to notice, they seemed to be occupied with something by the goal. I gave up keeping in my range and quickly stood up. I skated towards Noah who was slowly making his way towards the other team's goal. I charged towards him, smashing him into the wall. 

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