Chapter 12

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A week later I woke up to my alarm going off, I hit the annoying box before getting up and placing my walkman over my head playing one of my favorite songs and starting to get ready. As I started to get ready I looked out the window seeing the rain and thunder out the window I slightly smiled to myself before continuing with getting ready.

I walked through the hall turning into the kitchen as I looked through, I took a box of Pop Tarts from the cupboard. I opened a packet walking back through the hall and out the door as I shoved it in my mouth.

Soon it was Friday of the second week of school and my first game with the ducks, I had practically avoided them all week especially Dwayne. I didn't want to have to explain to him why I was crying in the common room.

I looked around the crowd and it seemed like the entire school was there as we skated onto the ice and towards Coach, everyone started to quack and I knew that was their thing but I thought it was a bit weird. Coach got mad and told them the say "Go team." Everyone said it and skated off, wow this is a great start to a game I thought to myself as I heard Charlie say some sly comment.

"Good luck Dwayne." I said as I passed him before circling back and sitting on the bench, I sat in the bench intently watching the game as they scored our first goal. Everyone stood up and celebrated and coach yelled at us as we all sat back down.

Julie seemed impatient in the net as everyone skated around the ice, soon coach put me on. I was right wing, as I felt my eyes try to find my brother in the stands. My eyes locked with his as the puck dropped on the ice, Next thing I knew I wasn't even part of the game, the puck was already in Russ's grasp as he in his words did his knuckle puck trick shot.

I felt myself get back into the game as everyone got ready to start again, I zoned out as I looked over to my brother who for once in his life seemed to be worried about me. I snapped out of it as I felt a heavy hand fall on my shoulder, "Y/N? Are you ok? You kind of froze there for a second." Fulton said as he skated beside me, "yeah." I replied looking at my skates as I skated into place.

"Ok." he replied, not questioning if I was lying or not before skating over to his position, the game went on as my team did great and I did horribly. Luis scored a goal and jumped over the goalie, as everyone else who was out went to help I went to the bench pulling myself out of the game for a bit.

I watched as Dwayne played with the puck as I smiled for the first time since I got on the ice. He was so confident and charming he didn't care what anyone thought of him. I just wish I was like that, the only time I could juggle the puck and have fun was when I was alone.

I could barley move a mussel the intire game just because of my stupid brother watching me from the stands. Soon coach put me back on and just as before I felt useless as the team did great and I skated around trying and failing to help, Fulton scored a goal even when one of the other kids caught it with his hand making the kid spin around and just as he lost grip of the puck it landed in the goal.

I sighed as everyone on the ice ran over to him, I looked over to see my brother sitting with his smug little friends laughing. I rolled my eyes at the stupid boy as I tried to get my head in the game. But I did shove a bunch of kids into walls so it was still kind of fun.

They had all these little tricks that I had no idea about, I barely got the puck the entire first two periods of the game. It was the 3rd that everything went downhill, the little tricks started to not work. I guess the other team's coach gave them a good pep talk or something because they started to understand my team's little tricks.

I hated being right wing, I was always defence and that's all I wanted to be. I liked pushing people over and whenever I did coach got mad at me so I did what I was told and was right wing. As the game went downhill I looked over to my brother who had the biggest smug smirk on his face as he watched me fail at right wing.

I rolled my eyes and kicked the boards with my skate before sitting on the bench, I felt myself wanting to yell at them like I did with my old team when they went listening to coach but I didn't want to push the limit with coach or my new team and I knew my brother would get a kick out of it if I did start yelling at them like I always used to do with our team. 

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