Chapter 22

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Mini warning:
this chapter has a bit of religion, I don't want to express to much religion there is also a bit on the next page but ill try to stay stay away from it in the future but its hard with a funeral. and im basing it of a similar religion to christianity but its in Ukrainian instead. 


Next thing I knew three days went by, no one else from the team came to any classes which was understandable. I woke up to my alarm going off. I quickly got out of bed and headed for the kitchen, I saw Dwayne leaning against the counter and walked towards him. "Good morning." I said giving him a slight smile. 

"Morning... Are you still coming to the funeral with me...? It would mean a lot to me.." He said looking over to me, "Of course." I replied with a soft smile as I opened the pantry and pulled out the box of pop tarts and pulled out one of the packs. I quickly opened it and shoved one in my face as I placed the box back in the pantry. 

I closed the pantry door as Dwaynes arms wrapped around me, "You ok?" I questioned. "Yeah, I just needed a hug." He responded as he released from the hug giving me a soft smile, "Well I have to go get ready so i'll see you later." I said with a smile before walking back towards the hallway and towards the room.

I took my funeral clothes out of the closet. Them still on hangers as I headed out the room and towards the bathroom. I walked through the door and heard the showers running, I walked into one of the open showers and placed my dress on the rook. I walked back towards the rack of towels and took the one from the top before walking back towards the shower and closing the curtain behind me. 

After I finished my shower I put my black funeral dress that I brought with me and the same cardigan from the week before. I walked out of the shower, I threw my towel in the bin before walking towards the mirror. I quickly pulled out the hair dryer and dried my hair, slowly brushing it out as the hot air blowed through it. I watched Dwayne walk through the door and a smile grew on my face as he walked past looking over to me as I watched him through the mirror. He headed for showers and by the time I was done I quickly brushed my teeth and headed back to my room. 

Julie was sat on her bed with her head in her hands as I walked over to her sitting down beside her and she rested her head on my shoulder. We sat in silents before it was quickly broken with a light knock on the door. I stood up and walked towards the door and quickly opened the door revealing Kenny who was in a dark black suit and he gave me a soft smile before telling me it was time to go. I quickly walked back to Julie and told her we had to go and headed for the main door where everyone was waiting. 

I quickly slipped on my dress shoes and followed everyone else down the hallway. I followed behind them as we all walked towards the car, I got in and sat beside Dwayne his hand intertwined with mine as we waited for the driver to start the car. 

Soon we arrived at the church, I was sat beside Dwayne and the rest of the team. It was hard for me to not get distracted and zone out. I kept thinking about my brothers and going back to that day. I snapped back to reality when the service started and everyone around me stood, I quickly stood up as they all recited a prayer. I tried to keep along but soon gave up trying to be a different religion than I am. 

if you are Christian you can ignore most of the last one, I am trying to not put too much religion into this but it's hard for a funeral. Im also trying to make this as readable to everyone so it relates to everyone but it's hard when I have such specific ideas. 

I sat around my crying teammates as I tried not to cry myself for about an hour before everyone exited the church and headed towards the grave year. 

Soon we were at the grave yard and I followed everyone towards the giant gaping hole in the ground that had the casket on top. I stood away from everyone not wanting to make conversation and waited beside the closed casket for everyone to arrive. 

As I waited I felt tears fill my eyes, I hadn't been to a grave yard since my brother died. But I didn't want to make it about me so I kept my head down and tried to hold back my tears. I felt a cold hand grasp onto mine as my head shoot up towards them. I quickly relaxed when I realized it was just Dwayne who didn't realize I was crying and was focused on the casket in front of us. 

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