Chapter 6

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A few days later it was the day before school started, I had not seen any of the other kids from the pool and I mostly stayed around the dorms and I hadn't thought about the whole sports thing. I woke up that morning to Julie placing things in a backpack. "What are you doing?" I questioned in a groggy voice and I closed my eyes and flopping on my back. "Sorry for waking you up, I'm just making sure I have everything for tomorrow." She replied, barely turning from her bag. "Its ok, i should be up earlier today we do start classes tomorrow.'' I said in a tired voice.

I got out of bed and started shifting through my clothes trying to find what I wanted to wear. After getting changed I walked into the kitchen where I saw Dwayne cooking, "Want some eggs?" "Yes please." I replied smiling as I reached into the fridge. "How do you like em?" "Whatever's easiest."

I searched through the fridge and took out the jug of water, Dwayne handed me a glass from the cabinet beside him. "Thank you, do you need any help?" I said as I poured myself a glass of water. "Im good everything is done I just need to put em on the plates." He replied looking over and smiling at me. "Ok if you need help just tell me." I said as I smiled and walked out of the room and sat down at the table.

I sat and felt pretty useless, it was 7 in the morning and I was sitting at a table doing nothing while Dwayne cooked. Dwayne walked in and placed the eggs on the table, he walked down the hallway to his room and opened the door and leaned in slightly. After about a minute he came out with Kenny trailing behind half asleep. "It's my last day of summer. Why do I have to get up?" Kenny winned as he followed behind Dwayne, "I made eggs." Dwayne said sitting down "Really that's what was so important." Kenny mumbled under his breath as he rolled his eyes and sat down.

"Tired?" I said looking over to him, he looked up from his plate of eggs and looked at me "Maybe." he mumbled under his breath. Me and Dwayne looked at each other because we both heard him, you tried not to laugh but failed as a tiny laugh got out and Kenny looked up with his eyes half closed as he spooned the last bite of his eggs into his mouth and walked back down the hallway and slamming the door behind him.

"Wow, I never knew he was such a morning person." I said after eating the last bite of my eggs. "Maybe I shouldn't have woken him up just for eggs." Dwayne said with a widened smile. 

After eating, one of the kids from the pool came over to the dorms. I hadn't introduced myself so I walked over to him sitting on the couch. "Hello I'm Y/N, Y/N L/N." I said with a smile. "Lester Averman but everyone calls me Averman." he said looking up from the tv and over to me, "can i sit?" I questioned as I waited for a response,"Sure." he replied with a smile.

We talked for hours, ended up having a lot in common and ended up becoming friends. He had to leave and go home for dinner and everyone headed to the cafeteria for dinner. I sat down and started to eat, I noticed more kids in the cafeteria. It was mostly just my table and a few randoms for the last week. "Why did they just get here?" I questioned Russ who was sat beside me.

"How am I supposed to know?" Russ replied, "I don't know, maybe you have magic powers or something I don't know." I snapped back in a sarcastic tone. He looked at me confused then back to his food and continued shovelling food into his mouth.

I shook my head and continued eating. I knew I was a bit rude but Russ didn't seem to have a problem so I just left it and when I was finished I headed back to the common room. I sat down on the couch and pulled my blanket over me that I had left there earlier that day. I turned the tv on and watched a random hockey game that was on until everyone got back. When everyone got back I gave the remote to Luis, I grabbed a glass of water and started to walk to my room without a word to no one for I was tired.

As I walked down the hallway I heard the concerned whispers of the kids I just met a week before. I sighed as I opened the door to my room and laid down in my bed. I pulled out a book from my drawer and started to read. After a while I fell asleep with the book in my face, and woke up some time later to someone removing the book that clanged to my face.

I woke up to the alarm clock beside me ringing. I turned it off and climbed out of bed. To my surprise Julie was still in bed so I slightly shook her and she groaned in annoyance. After getting ready for the day I walked to the kitchen and searched through the cabinet looking for my usual breakfast at home, pop tarts. I found the box and took a packet of two out and opened it as I walked towards the door. I pushed on my shoes and tied them before I picked up my bag I had placed beside the door the night before.

No one was in the room so I just assumed everyone was at breakfast. I wandered through the halls not really knowing what to do, orientation started at 8 and it was only 6:30. I was pretty awake but I still didn't know what to do, I didn't want to see the hockey kids yet and I didn't know anyone else.

I decided to wander through the halls to at least try to figure out where my homeroom was before the crowd of kids poured in. I wasn't watching where I was going and I smashed into someone. "HEY, watch where are you going?" I heard a familiar voice snap. 

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