Chapter 15

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Dwayne's POV:

The day was normal and everyone was eating lunch at our table the next Monday following the weekend. Y/N sat beside me, she kept turning back in her seat. was watching the varsity table, never letting her eyes leave them. She didn't seem mad just like she was in deep thought, I watched as worry came over her face leaving a worried expression. I followed her eyes to the other side of the room.

I saw the entire varsity team walking towards us as I slightly nudged Julie who sat beside me as I made eye contact with Y/N, she quickly snapped her head towards the group of older boys who were now standing in front of us. "Congrats on the game!" Rick said as he leaned over the corner of the table and over my food.

He started talking about dinner on Friday and I looked at him with a confused look placed on my face. Russ responded with confusion in his voice as everyone else felt the same way, Rick responded with saying it was a tradition and everyone seemed to be excited about it. As Rick started walking away Cole walked up and started telling us about, 'I don't like you guys but its tradition' before following Rick and everyone else out.

Well almost everyone, not Banks. He stood back saying, 'It should be fun.' and everyone agreed to go. Well except Y/N she seemed unamused about the entire thing and over the next few days everyone kept pestering her to come with us and Averman got to her and she decided to go.


The week was normal. Well, other than everyone pestering me to go to dinner with my brother, after a while I gave in when Averman promised me he would give me some cupcakes his mom made. It was the Friday before the dinner, It was a few hours before it started and the entire team was at the dorms getting ready.

Connie, Julie and I were in me and Julie's room getting ready for the dinner as the boys got ready throughout the two boys rooms. I shifted through the clothes in my closet as Julie shifted through hers. "I don't know." I said as I turned back to look at the two girls who sat on Julie's bed.

"I think you should wear the dress. It would look nice on you. I brought it for you to wear." Connie said, lifting up the dress that sat on the bed beside her. "But it's a dress." I replied, turning around and looking at them. "But it would look so nice on you, and I know you don't like dresses but you have nothing else nice to wear." She said as she stood up passing me the dress.

"Fine." I said taking the dress and walking out of the room and towards the bathroom. I pushed open the door to steam filled mirrors as most of the boys were showering in the shower room that was connected. The door for the shower room was wide open and all 6 of the showers were closed.

I walked towards one of the stalls pushing the door open and taking my clothes off before slipping the dress over my head and pulling it down until it covered my body. I looked down at my scar stained legs before pushing through the door. I walked over to the counter of the bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror, I moved my hair from my shoulder revealing cigarette burns along my shoulder. I pulled a brush from my drawer and started brushing my hair that was still damp from the shower I had about half an hour before. I heard the door open and I quickly moved my hair covering my shoulder.

My head snapped towards the door that had three of the boys walking towards me with towels and suits in their arms. I blinked back the tears that had slightly filled my eyes before walking past them trying to not make eye contact. I walked down the hallway and towards my room.

I pushed the door open and quickly went over to my closet, I pulled a small long sleeved cardigan off its track and quickly over my shoulders. I closed the door and looked at myself in the mirror, slightly adjusting the cardigan that was resting on my shoulders. I turned around and looked at the two girls who were changing into their dresses.

"You look really nice!" they both said looking over to me and smiling, "You both look really nice too!" I replied with a smile that masked how I truly felt. Connie curled my hair as fiddled with my fingers. After everyone was done getting ready and headed towards Averman's and Guy's mom's vans.

Everyone piled into the two vans as we all drove over to the nice restaurant. I sat in the back of Averman's moms van, Averman sat beside me as I fiddled with my hands. I felt tears start to well in my eyes as I thought about the cigarette burns on my shoulders. 

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