The Mafia Life

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Hey guys now this part will talk about Xavier's life and his part.

Enjoy.. :)

I woke up at 5 in the morning to start with my training. But just to clear out my head i wanted to take a smoke. I went to my balcony. It was silent, dark and beautiful. This was the only place which gave me peace and happiness. I know smoking is bad for health and all.... that but it's my addiction. I can't really help it. While taking smoke i started to think about my life. My duties. About how i was going to be the next leader after my dad.

After thinking for a while i  pulled myself together and went to the gym. I had a built in gym in my house. I usually did training for 2hrs. But today felt like doing more, so i did it for one more hour. After my training session i took a cold shower. I then quickly put on a white shirt and black trousers. I gently shook my wet hair and wore my chain. It was time for breakfast. I then walked down to the dining area to have breakfast. "Good Morning Xavier".  "Good morning Mom".

"Here, your breakfast". "Thanku ma". "Where is Dad ?". "Oh, honey he had his breakfast and then he went to his cabin for some work". "Okay". "Good morning guys". "Good morning Chris". "Mr Chris Jonas will you mind telling me why are the  three buttons of the shirt unbuttoned"?. "Haha, man you have to deal with this now". "Stop laughing Xavier Gambino".' "And you, boy answer me". Uh, ... I actually forgot to button them"." Sorry mom". "I'll do it right away". "You better do cuz u know that i don't like men walking around with unbuttoned shirts". "Yes". "And now eat ur breakfast".   "haha, man why do u always have to be scolded by mom". "Wow real funny Xavier". "Thanku". "That actually helped".

"Mom the breakfast was  delicious". "Now i am going to meet dad". "Wait i am coming as well". Knock--Knock.. "Dad may we come in?". "Come in". "Xavier i want to talk to you about a few things before you leave". "Okay". "First, Our Enemies are getting stronger so we have plan something immediately". "And second, make sure that there is no one watching us during the shipments because i suspect that they have sent a few  men here to keep a watch on us". "Is that clear?". "Yes dad we got it". "Good"." And also Kai  is coming back today".

"I am already here Dad". "Nice to see u again Xavier and Chris". "Same here brother" . "How was the journey?". "It was good but pretty tiring". "Great" . "Welcome back son". "Now, go meet your mother before she eats everybody's head". "haha". "I've missed that though". "See you guys later". "Dad i am leaving". "Yes" . "Xavier remember what i told u". "Yes dad". "Chris wait back i have to talk to u to". "Ok dad".

 I know all of u are not familiar with my family. So, let me introduce my family now. Firstly, my Mom. Charlotte Gambino. The Boss lady of her house and the only woman we all fear of.  My mother is a sweet and kind person. She never likes to see anybody get hurt. But trust me, when she gets angry she actually creates a storm. She never likes someone especially men to walk around half naked in her house. She has her own rules and we respect that.

Second, my father . Nicholas Gambino. The leader and head of our Mafia. He is considered to be one of the most powerful and respected  man . Also he is feared the most.  Since childhood it is my dad who has taught us everything about the mafia. Holding a gun, Killing with a knife and all the fighting skills. He has taught us all. But,  he is humble and generous from inside.  My parents have always taught us to respect everybody no matter what. Specially a woman. And we all follow that.

Next is my Bestfriend and my right hand Chris Jonas. Chris was 5 when his parents died in a war. Since then he is living with us a a part of our family. My parents consider him as their son. And we as our brother. He has great shooting and planning skills. He is always there with me, to control my temper and think for solutions to problems. This is why he is my right hand. And no one can ever replace him.

Last but not the least, my brother. Kai Gambino. one yr younger than me. Kai never liked to be a part of the mafia. He always hated it. But he was always taught to fight . He is the CEO of a company and he likes his work very much. At times he also helps us with the missions. Kai is just like our mother. Sweet and very calm. Whereas i am  very bad tempered and hard just like my dad. 

My family is small but the only thing important to me in my life. I can die for them and even kill someone for them.

And me, well indeed u all need my introduction. Xavier Gambino. 27 yrs old. The second boss and leader of our Mafia. Ruthless, cold hearted and dangerous. That are all the words that can describe me. I don't have to remind people of who i am. They can immediately recognize me , even when they hear my name. They think thrice before speaking to me. That's how much they fear me. Guns, knives, bullets i am familiar with all of them since my childhood. I can easily kill a person within 5 seconds. Not just like that, but with a lot of torture and pain. I make that person pay for his mistakes before he dies. Very brutally and violently though. That is my way of working. 

We have our mafia since a very long time. Passing from generations to generations. I am the next lined up after my father to become the main head. He  has some time before retiring , so for now he is the one guiding and directing us. We have wearhouses, clubs and mansions all over the world . As a part of the mafia u have to have them. To protect youself and your family from enemies. Indeed we are very rich at the same time. But all that  is because of our hardwork. I like the way my life is. Full of crime and blood. Well, i am born to rule!

Let's continue now.....

It was time for me to leave. I had to go and check for the shipments. I then ordered Jason my driver to take me there. After spending one hour there and checking everything was in place, I left for my office. I sat on my chair looking at all the important documents and files. Knock-Knock--. "Come in". "Chris, what is it?". "Get ready". "For?". "A party". "What are u talking about Chris". "Remember i told you we have to attend the opening of our new club on Saturday". "Oh, yes". "You did". "It just slipped out of my mind". "Well, ya it is today and we need to go". "Time?". "7:30pm". 

"Okay, I'll be there". "Great". "Ok I'll see you there". Time then passed like nothing. I was so busy with my work that i forgot it was 7:00 already. After finishing some phone calls i headed to the car. "Jason plz take me home". "Yes Boss". After reaching home i took a shower and changed my clothes. I got ready and again headed to the car. It was saturday today and i knew that i was going to get drunk. Honestly, I needed some alcohol in my system. Let's go.


Hey guys, hope u enjoyed this chapter. The next chapter will be way too intersting ...

Keep on reading :)

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