You can call me Brother

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Lost in my thoughts i heard some footsteps again approaching me. A boy with fair skin, blue eyes and crisp honey blonde hair entered. He looked sweet and innocent again giving me a jiggling feeling. "Hey!" he exclaimed. "Hi". I just got nervous and panicked. "Hey, calm down it's okay". "We are not gonna hurt you". "I won't come close to you if you feel uncomfortable". "Thanks". "Ok, as everybody introduced themselves let me take the chance now". "I am Kai Nicholas Gambino, Xavier's brother".

Woah!!, I couldn't believe him for a second". His eyes resembled to his mother. He was just not like Xavier. Instead, he was calm, composed and polite just like his mother. We then kept on talking this or that. He would make me laugh with silly jokes to divert my attention. He did not force me talk about what happened. He is a good person. "Serena, i know i don't know you much but don't hesitate to talk to me about anything". 

Out of nowhere i barged in a stupid question. "Can I call you Brother?". For a second he froze and then he came near me giving me a warm hug. 'I would be glad if you call me your Brother". His hug was warm, comforting and sweet. I never had a brother before but today maybe i found one. We then talked about our lives and how i met Xavier. I also asked him about their Mafia. At first, i was scared but he kept on assuring me that i had nothing to worry about.

"Kai"! . A voice from behind interrupted us. "Xavier". "Look, who i am talking to". "My new sister". I instantly let out a small giggle for his childish tone. Xavier was still there standing and looking at us . "Okay Serena now, I'll leave cuz you need rest". "I will meet you later sister, bye". He said while kissing the top of my head.

Xavier's POV

I was still angry of her accusing me that way. But i knew all of this was new for her. She was hurt. Why would she trust any other  man after what had happened?. My mother then came towards me and told me that she needs time. She is scared knowing about the Mafia. She was right. To ordinary people like her, Mafia is something horrific and dangerous. Also, i decided to talk to her politely while keeping my temper down.

As i entered the room i saw Kai and her giggling with laughter. It was the first time i saw her laughing. Both of them were enjoying each other's company. As Kai talked about his new sister, I started questioning in my mind, how the hell did they become so close within hours. After Kai left, i reached Serena, her face became blank and she looked down. 

Before i could say anything, she said" I am sorry Xavier". "I shouldn't have accused you of things you never did". "Instead, you protected me and healed me". "I am sorry". Her eyes were filled with tiny droplets of tears. I could see sorrow in her eyes. She did not shift her gaze, but i saw that. Without thinking much i went hear her and placed my index finger on her chin while pulling her up, to look into my eyes. 

"You don't need to be sorry of anything". "I can understand your pain". "Instead, I am sorry". "I shouldn't have reacted that way". As i ended my sentence she instantly hugged me. She buried her face in my chest and started shredding tears. "Thankyou for saving me"!. If you would have not come, then... . I did not let her complete the sentence. I broke her flow and carased her hair while kissing her on forehead.

"Don't you dare complete the sentence". "I am here now, to protect you". "Stop saying those words and shred your tears". I pulled her out of my chest and looked at her. Her hazel eyes were looking at me sweetness. "Serena, I want you to only smile and smile". "You look beautiful with that". I wiped her tears and looked at her again. This woman, She had this aura. I was never good with words. But, right now i spoke all my heart. Was I being too cheesy?. Offcourse I was. Dammit, She'll think i am stupid.

Serena's POV 

As I said my feelings to Xavier he instantly came near me grabbed my chin. When our eyes met i could fell a wave of current pass through me. His beautiful face was all i could glare at. When he spoke those words, i couldn't help but hug him tight. He did not react, instead he hugged me back and comforted with kisses. He told me that he liked my smile, not my tears. For a second I  blushed. 

We sat there talking for a long time. Even his mother had joined us. I did not fell strange here. It felt like home. No matter these people run the mafia, they were polite, generous and respectful. Mrs Charlotte gave me some food to it and then i took some medicine. My wounds were still fresh and new. It pained a bit but was better than before.

Xavier sat beside me all the time while talking on phone. I kinda liked it. Then my phone buzzed. When i checked who it was i suddenly bounced a bit. Shit!!, how did i forget Jennifer?. I am screwed.




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