The Club Night

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Hey guys this chapter will talk about both Serena and Xavier's POV

Let's Begin.....


Serena's POV

It was already 6:50pm when i started to get ready. "Jennifer will definetly eat my head if i am late". I quickly put on the the black bodycon dress which i picked yesterday. I straightened my hair and put on a light nude lipstick with suttle makeup. My beautiful pointed toe pump heels were waiting for me to wear them. After getting ready i quickly went outside. Jennifer was waiting for me there. "Hey". "Babe u look gorgeous". "Thanks J". "You look stunning as well". "haha". "Let's go".

As we reached, i could see many cars, Expensive and big. Dammnn.. this club seems rich. I did not know who it belonged to. Honestly, i did not care. All i wanted was party. As we headed inside, bright party lights and loud music welcomed me. All the people were dancing, drinking and having fun.

"Do you wanna dance?". "I want to but to start with, i need some alcohol in my system". "I'll join you later". "Okay". I then sat on the barstool and ordered a Whiskey. I wanted to drink a lot but someone from us had to stay sober. And without any doubt, it was me. I drank in peace while listening to the music, lost in my own thoughts. I was enjoying

Xavier's POV 

As i entered the club i saw  people doing the same thing they do always. All of this was common for me, because i had attended hundreds of club openings. "Chris i am going to get some drinks". "Make sure to keep a look and offcourse enjoy buddy". "Yes, man you know me". 

I then decided to take a corner of the bar where i could sit. I never really liked dancing. It was too much for me. I then sat on the barstool and asked for a beer. As i took a sip, i turned to see around myself. That's when i saw her. A woman with dazzling beauty. She wore a black dress which exposed her curves gracefully. Her long brown hair touching her hips. And as for her face, it was pure heaven. She had hazel eyes with long lashes. Her nose was defined and her lips, they were gorgeous nude. She also had a beauty mark on the left side of her chin, which completed her look.

Wow! was the only word i could say. I had seen many women in my life. But this one right here broke all the records. All of them were nothing compared to her. She was sitting  peacefully, while taking small sips of her drink. I was sitting right beside her, an inch away. How could i even take my eyes off her.

Serena's POV

As i was drinking, i saw someone sitting beside me. At first, i did not care. But, then i saw that person looking at me for more than a minute. That's when i saw him. I actually wanted to ignore but when i looked at him, i couldn't take my eyes away. A man wearing a black shirt and black trousers. I could see his abs flaunting so perfectly, because a  few buttons of his shirt were open . He wore a silver chain  which added a touch. He had tatoo's on his right arm which were visible beacuse the shirt was a little transparent. That made me more crazy. When i looked at his face it was perfect.

He had dark brown eyes with a shaped nose. His black hair, were messed up so perfectly that made me sweat. His semi pink lips which made me crave for him. He also had Scruffy beard which  gave him some extra points for his looks. I never saw someone like him. Someone so hot and confident at the same time. He had this aura which i never sensed before. He was still looking at me with his mischievous eyes.


Both of us were looking at each other with passion. Neither he nor me broke the awkward silence. I could stare at this beauty for my whole life, She had this power of making me want her. I then decided to break the silence." Hey, mind if i buy you a drink?". His voice was so  calm and soothing to my ears that i couldn't help but go with the flow. "Who say's no to free drinks?". "haha and she is funny". "What will you have?". "Vodka". "Okay". "Here". "Thankyou stranger", she said while raising her glass. "Cheers". "What name does this beauty have?". "I see you are very excited to know my name mr." "I am an impatient man can't really help". 

I could see he wanted to have fun, so i decided to join him in his little game. "Serena Davis" she said with confidence. "Pretty name for a gorgeous person". "haha". "Her laugh was so attractive that it made me smile as well". "And yours?". "Xavier Gambino". Dammnn... even the name of this person was sexy. "Suits you". "Thanku". "Did you come here alone?.

"No, i came with my bestfriend". "She is dancing somewhere there", she pointed while looking at the crowd. "That's nice". "Actually i need to find her and take her home". "M sure she is completely drunk". "haha, offcourse". "Friendship duty comes first". After talking to him i left to find jennifer. I did not wanted to leave but i had to.The crowd was so big that i had to pass through people to find her. There she was. Dancing with all the stamina she had, like always.

"J, we need to go". "Huh?". "Babe its too early". "Let's enjoy the party". She was pretty drunk so i knew that all i said was waste. I then grabbed her wrist and literally dragged her out. i placed her arm on my shoulder to give her support for walking.

As she left i hoped i could see her again. But i was getting late as well. I had to attend an important meeting tomorrow. I waited for her a while, but she did not come. huff!, i hope i see you again hazel eyes. I then went outside and checked for Chris. But his car was missing. I called him up to check where he was. "Chris, where are you?". "Xavier i left for home an hour ago". "I saw you talking to a girl so i decided not to break your privacy," he said while letting out a giggle. "haha real funny". "Okay, m coming back". "Bye".

As i came out of the crowd i saw he was not there. Offcourse he left serena. Let's go home as well. I hope i see you again Xavier. I then carefully opened the car door and placed jennifer on the seat. I secured her with seatbelt and closed the door. "Serena..Party?" she murmured with her drukenn voice. Time to go home J. 


Will Xavier and Serena meet again?. Keep reading to find out.

Hope you enjoyed...

See you soon. 

Take care!

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