You can't go

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After a while my phone  started buzzing loudly. It was Jennifer. For a while, i had completely forgotten her. I knew she would be all angry and frustrated. "J!". "Serena, where the hell are you?". "Why are you not picking up the call?". "Are you okay?". "J, calm down". "I am perfectly fine". "And actually i am at Xavier's house". "What?, how did u reach there". "It's a long story". "I'll explain it to you when i reach home". Suddenly, Xavier interrupted. "No you are not going anywhere". "Why?". "You can't go out Serena, it's not safe". "Do one thing call your bestfriend here". "But.." ." No serena i am not listening to excuses". 

Can i even argue with him?. "Fine"!. "J, i am sending you an address come there". "Okay i'll come". I looked at him with an angry face but he did not even care to say anything. Instead, he said "Serena, don't show me your anger". "It's for your safety". I tried to mimic him with what he said. "Ya, i know It's for your safety". He quickly got up and came close to me. I hitched a bit. His body was close to mine. The heat between us was spreading like crazy. I couldn't face him. I did not have the guts. So i bent down.

"Look at me Hazel eyes". I still did not look. "Look at me" he commanded. I shifted my gaze to him. He was staring at me like i had commited a crime. "Look Serena, i know you want to go to your home desperately, But still it's not safe". "Their still might be someone spying on us". "I can't take the risk of anyone's safety". "You get that?". I nodded my head like a child. "Good". "And yes don't mimic me you will provoke me". 

I did not know why but whenever he came close to me i couldn't face him. My senses would become completely numb. His words did a magic on me. I barely knew him but this bond we just created felt good.

Xavier's POV

I did not want Serena to go out because i was still not sure about her safety. We had to find real reason behind it. We barely knew each other. But talking to her calmed my soul in some manner. As i went near her i could see her getting nervous. I wanted to play with her. Honestly, i loved making her blush. She was not like any other girl. She was calm, composed and simple. Her needs were basic. 

I then received a call from my bodyguard that a girl had arrived at the door. I assumed her to be Serena's bestfriend. "Send her in". I commanded. As she entered the house i looked at her. She was different from Serena. She seemed a little bossy. I could see that look in her eyes. Devilish look. She also had tatoos which told me indeed she was fierce. I went near her and looked at her. She froze for a second without breaking the eye contact. "Hello?". "Um hi". 'I am Xavier". "Serena might have told you". "Yes". "Jennifer, her bestie". "She is on the second floor first room". "Okay, thanks".

Maybe she was not what i supposed her to be. She is kind. I then headed to my dad to talk about the whole situation. The information we received from that man was not very unique. His name was Robert. He worked as a secret spy agent for some mafia. He did not reveal the name. He was dead now. We had to be more careful of all our actions and decisions. As i left my dad's cabin i had an urge to go  and meet Serena. I knew she was with her bestfriend but still i wanted to be sure.

Serena's POV

As soon as i saw Jennifer enter the room, she saw me and gave me a bear hug. "I am so glad you are okay". "What is with this dressing?". I then explained her  the whole  situation. I could see desire burning in her eyes. "Where the hell is that jerk?, I will kill him with my own hands". Little did she know he was already dead. "J calm down". "He is already dead". "What?" she exclaimed while getting up. "Who killed him?". "Xavier". She stood there for two minutes and then started dancing with happiness. "OMG Serena, he killed that man for you!". What?, Is she crazy?. 

I then explained her the whole situation of Mafia. Well, she did not react to any of it, as if she knew it all. "Hmm... I see". "Now i get the story". "But still S he cares for you, I am happy". "J, it's nothing like that". "Offcourse it's not". "Also he is so hot". "I just drooled over him"." And his house, danggg.... it's like a big mansion". "What am i saying, It is a big mansion". "haha, i know it's big and beautiful". "But, Serena all of this.. huff!. I am so sorry". "It's my mistake". "I should have been with you". "J, shut up". "It's not your fault". "Let's forget everything that happened". "It's past, so let it be the same". "Okay". "Where's Lilia?". "Oh she had to leave cuz her so called fiance called her". "She told me to call her back once i find you". 

"I am sad that i couldn't meet her". "It's okay girl". "She is here for one more week, we can meet her anytime". "Are you feeling good?". "I am". "Good". Suddenly i heard a knock on the door and Xavier entered . "Sorry, to disturb you guys but Serena has to take medicine now". Dammnn.. did he care so much about me?. "Oh ya sure" Jennifer said while looking at him. "Thankyou Xavier for protecting Serena". "I am glad she found you at the right time". "It's okay, it's my duty". 

He then gave me the medicine and water. I then had to rest. "Jennifer are you leaving?". "Babe, i have to". "No need, You can stay here with Serena for a few days and accompany her, Xavier interrupted". I bounced with happiness and maybe he saw that. "Okay, thankyou so much". "I'll just go and bring our clothes from her house".  As she left i hugged Xavier tightly. "Thankyou so much Xavier". "Don't thank me". "I know you missed her and want her". He said those words and hugged me back. "Okay, now you need to rest". "Fine.", I said while getting annoyed. 

"Okay now you rest and then i have a surprise planned for you". "Really?". "haha, yes". "Okay I'll rest". And just like that i slept while smiling at him. 

Xavier's POV

As I asked her bestfriend to stay, Serena jumped with happiness. Cute. I knew she needed someone close to her. So i insisted her to stay. What was happening to me?. I was going all soft and calm. Anyway. As i was about to leave she embraced me with a tight hug to thank me. I couldn't be more happy thinking that i made her smile. I told her to sleep but she was pretty annoyed.

I told her about a surprise i planned for and instantly her smile was back. She immediately slept without saying much. I giggled i my head. How can someone be so cute?. haha. 


Thanku for reading.

bye, :)

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