Time to go

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Days went by like nothing. I stayed at Xavier's house for three days. Jennifer was there as well. All of us had a great time. I felt like a part of their family. They comforted and protected me throughout. My health was back to normal as well.

As Xavier dropped us to our home i thanked him once again. All these days our feelings became stronger. I derived a place for him in my heart and so did he. As i was about to leave he called my name. "Serena!". I paused and looked back. "Take care and call me if you need anything". "I will", i smiled and went in. 

And Offcourse Jennifer's stupid questions were not left out. She would always grin and look at me  when we talked about Xavier.  I also gave the dress i prepared for Xavier's mom. And she indeed loved it. I was so happy to see her reaction that both of us melted in joy. 

All the things were in place. Our work was going good as well. Xavier and i at times talked as well. Lately, he had been busy with his Mafia but still we got to talk. It had been a long time since we went to club. Today i felt like going . So, Jennifer and I  decided.

Both of us finished our work early and went home to get dressed. After that Jennifer came to pick me up as usual. We headed to one of the clubs where Xavier and I first met. As we sat on the barstool, Jennifer ordered two beers for us. "Missing someone she said while letting out a giggle". "What?, No" and blushed . Honestly, yes i was missing him. I had attached to him now, very closely. But still i decided to enjoy and have fun.

Xavier's POV

Days had been hectic. My Mafia work kept me busy all the time. Yet, Serena and I talked with each other through calls. She would make me laugh and ease my tension. Our bond had become stronger. 

Today Chris and I decided to go to our club and relax a bit. It had been long since we did so. I then headed to the club with Chris directly from my office. Reaching the club the past memories falshed back. It was the club where Serena and I first met. I wish she was here with me. Entering the club i searched around a place to sit as it was too crowded. 

While wandering around my eyes fell on the beauty i wanted to see. Serena. She was here with her bestfriend. She was all laughing and happy. Good to see her smile. Before i could go further i saw a man come near them. I knew his intentions but this time i wanted to see what Serena does. So my body froze on the place i was standing.

"You are not going to go?" Chris asked looking at me. "Nope". "Watch her!".

Serena's POV

As  we were enjoying ourselves i saw a man coming near us. Oh god please not again. The man came near us and asked us for a drink. I replied no politely. But he was a jerk. He started getting all touchy. Without any hesitation i pushed him back. He got angry but then i stood for myself by telling that i will call the police if he  comes any near. He then suddenly left. "Great job babe". "Thankyou".

"Indeed great job". I heard  those words from behind. Cologne. It was Xavier. Even in the crowd i could smell his cologne. It was strong enough not to forget. I instantly turned back and when i saw him my heart started doing a happy dance. "Xavier, What are you doing here". "I guess you forgot that i own this club" he said while coming near me and smiling. "Right, you own it". "Mind if we join you?".

"Offcourse not". He then seated himself beside me and Chris who had also come sat beside Jennifer and started talking. "A beer please",  he ordered. "You look beautiful in this dress he said while facing me and adding a smirk to it. "Thankyou!". "You don't look bad either". "A compliment!, I'll take it". I let out a small giggle.

"So how do you feel now?". "Pretty amazing". "Everything is going great". "What about you?". "How are all doing?". "My mom misses you like crazy". "Kai want's to meet you too, but he is busy". "Why don't you come for lunch  tomorrow?". "I would love to", i exclaimed with pure joy. "Great my driver will pick you up then". "No need, i can drive".

"Not happening, you will come with him". "That's final". Can't argue with him now. "And also bring Jennifer with you". "Okay". We talked and drank for hours. The music didn't stop either. It kept on going and people were dancing like crazy.


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