Busy Day

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Monday mornings. The worst part of entire week. Yesterday night was pretty fun. Jennifer and i had a sleepover. But she had to rush early in the morning due to  her work. Here i was. Laying on my bed and yawning. Suddenly i remembered that i had to work on a wedding project which was next week. I quickly got out of my bed and and started to get ready. Today  i wanted to wear something normal and comfy, so i choose a pair of ripped jeans with a puffy sleeved white top and a high ponytail and paired it with my sandles. Now, m good to go. 

I wasn't really hungry but for the sake of breakfast i picked up a latte. As i reached i saw my staff already working on the project. Stacy, Maria, Jonathan all of them seemed focused. We were designing a wedding gown for a beautiful bride who was getting married next week. We also had to make some gowns for her bridesmaid. As i took the dress material, i started to sketch out the design i wanted.

The bride is a very sweet and kind person. So, according to her request and my imagination i decided to design a simple yet elegant mermaid style dress. All of us were working on it for nearly 7 hours without a pause. "Good job team". "We will be finishing this project within no time". "You all can take a break".

Xavier's POV 

After we attended the meeting, Chris and i headed to our warehouse. A few minutes ago we received a phone call regarding some issues in the shipments. We went their straight. "What is the problem Phoenix?". "Boss, one of our package, the big one is missing". "What?". "Yes, Boss". "We have a rat". In situations like these i did not have to figure out anything. It only meant one thing. The betrayl of your team member. "Gather everybody and meet me on the deck". "Ok Boss".

"What are you going to do Xavier?". "Wait and watch Chris". All of them gathered at the deck after 5 mins. I knew what i had to do. "I will ask this only once". "Whoever disoby's it has to die".  "You all know it". "Who is the person playing with us?". Silence. Complete utter silence for 10 mins. Not a single bloody mouth spoke anything. I trusted my team like my family. But, if they don't follow the rules they have to pay the price.

"Great!. You chose not to speak". "So now i fill find it myself". Lately, i have been noticing some strange behaviour  of one of my member, Nick. I knew he wouldn't speak a single word. I started walking around them without any sense of anger. All of them had their heads down. Without a gap of time, i did something i should have done very earlier.

I took out my gun and shot Nick on his right leg. He started to bleed. But, he did not let out a single sign. Nor did any other members react. I've always taught them to handle the pain because they will face it a lot in life. The Mafia World does not spare anyone. You have to suffer and die one day.

"What did you even think, Nick?". "Huh?". "That you will betray all of us and suceed". "Never". "You were so freaking wrong to think that". "I thought i trained you better than this". "Who all are with you?". "M alone Boss". "Vey good". "So, now you are the only one who has to die". "On your knees". "Now!". The moment i ordered this, the person had to come on both of his knees with his hands folded back. I did not care. Nor did i want to show any pity. I give only one chance. That's all.

I did not see any fear of death in his eyes. He was still bleeding a lot . He did as i told him to. "You should've not done this nick". "I trusted you"." Any last words before dying?". "I am sorry boss". As soon as he said the last word i immediately put a bullet in his skull. He fell on the floor, surrounded by a pool of blood. "Take your sorry to hell, nick". "Chris, do the needful of taking him to the graveyard".

No matter, he did a crime i believed in giving respect to my every team member. They deserved it. I am a cold mafia leader. But, i have a heart. And i actually follow it.

As i reached home, i saw my mom dressed to go out." Ma, are you going somewhere?". "Oh, hon nice to see you". "And yes i am going out". "You remember Uncle Harry? , your father's close friend?". "Yes, i do". "Well, it's his daughter's wedding a few days later". "I want a beautiful dress for that". "That's why I have go out". "Okay mom". "Make sure to go safely, and call me if you need anything". "Okay, bye honey". "Bye ma". 

Serena's POV

As we were done with the work, my team left for home. Only Stacy and i stayed back cuz we had some work to do. I then noticed someone walking in. A beautiful and elegant lady. She had this fair skin with piercing blue eyes and perfect body posture. She had mid length Black hair with curls. She seemed a bit old. Mostly in her mid 40's. But she was just beautiful. Also, she was rich as she was wearing a purple satin dress with high heels and a pretty black handbag. She gently came near me tapping her heels." Excuse me?". For a a few seconds i was lost in my own thoughts thinking about this diva. 

"Uh, oh..  Hi!". I fumbled a bit spoiling my first impression. "how can i help you?". "Hi!,  I am here to buy a beautiful party dress". "Okay". "Please come with  me". I showed her a few options, but after some time we came to a conclusion of designing a dress. She told me exactly what kind of function it is and her choices.

"I have noted down all the measurements". "The dress will be ready within a few days ma'am". "Oh, dear thanku so much". "I was so tensed of not finding the right dress". "But, after coming here I am sure it will be worth it". "Please don't worry ma'am i assure you of having a beautiful dress ready". "Great". "And plz call me charlotte dear".  "Ok, As you say". "You are very beautiful darling, m sure you get it from your mother". 

"Thanku so much Mrs Charlotte, but i don't think i am anything compared to you". "Your skin is just flawless". "Oh, please you are making this awkward". "But honestly, I am sure about your capabilities hon". "You are a very kind and hardworking girl, I see it in your eyes". "You will get what you wish soon". "Thanku so much for your kind words". "haha, you are welcome". "I shall leave now".

"Here, your advance payment". "Plz no i can't take it ". "Keep it girl". "M giving you this by my own choice". "You should not deny it". "Oh, i forgot to ask your name". "Serena Davis". "Wow, what a beautiful name". "Suits you". "Thanku". "Now I'll go". "Plz call me once it's done". "Offcourse, thanku for coming". "Bye". Such a sweet and generous lady. I like her already. 


Hope you all enjoyed. I know this one was a little big . I will make sure to keep it short from next.

Thanku!! XOXO

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