I will protect you

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As i entered the room, i found Serena lying on the bed. Her body weak and her wounds dressed up. I silently went near the bed and sat beside her. I held her hand close to mine. I could feel a wave of electricity pass through me. My body became a little nervous, Why?.  While questioning myself i felt a sudden movement of hand. Serena!. She then slowly opened her eyes, in the state of confusion. 

Serena's POV

I woke up with a sudden embrace of warmth. I gently opened my eyes. My head was heavy and hurting like crazy. When, i woke up i found myself in a new unfamiliar surrounding. I saw Xavier. He sat beside me looking at me with his beautiful brown eyes full of worry. "Xavier, Where am i?".Honestly, i was in a state of confusion. "What had happened?". He then came close to me and held my hand again tightly. "Nothing, hazel eyes?". "You were just hurt a little".

Suddenly, all the memories of the past flashed in front of me. The club, the man, the blood, the gunshots all of it startled me inside. I couldn't help but let tears fall from my eyes. I couldn't control myself, no matter what Xavier thought of me. "I am so..so sorry Xavier". He then without any hesitation pulled me into himself. He placed his chin on my head and covered them with gentle kisses. "You don't need to be sorry for anything Serena". 

"It wasn't your mistake". "It was that creepy man's mistake who laid his hands on you". "And don't worry you are safe now". "He might be dead already". "What?". "What did he mean by he might be dead already?". Was i dreaming?. "What are you talking about Xavier?, Did you kill him?" i questioned him by looking straight into his eyes. 

"Yes... I had to" he said while sighing out loud. I immediately froze for a second. Was all i listening from his mouth real?. "You killed a man just because he touched me?, are you hell serious Xavier?". "Tell me it's a joke and i will be relieved".

Xavier's POV

As soon as she woke up, she started looking around the surrounding. She was figuring out the scene honestly. As she asked me what had happened, i just told her that she was a little hurt. Within seconds, she started crying. I couldn't help but hold her tight and kiss her on her head. What the hell was i even doing?. But, maybe that action calmed her down. She started asking me questions about that man. All i told her that i killed him. Worry could be seen all over her face. Why?.

Then it clicked me she is just a simple ordinary girl who doesn't know i belong to the mafia. Damn it!. Why did i tell her this. Not only this but she was also blaming herself for that. I couldn't get more angry. She said that all he did was touch her?. Like are you serious?. He was carving on her hand with a knife  but she did not care about her safety. What kind of girl is she?

"Serena listen to me please, Don't be afraid of me I am not going to hurt you". "Instead, i will protect you". "But please don't look at me with those eyes" . She was looking at me with those eyes filled with horror and nervousness. Maybe, she thought i was going to hurt her. But, i had to assure her that  like i was nothing like the monster she had dealt with.

Before, i could say anything she distanced herself from me and asked "Tell me the truth who are you and what do you do?". What can i answer to her question. If i told her lie she would find it from anyone. I did not wanted that to happen. I did not want to break her trust, because i know the felling of it.

"Okay, i will tell you the truth,  but let me tell you, I am not going to hurt you in anyway". "So please don't bring that figure of monster in front of your eyes". "I am Xavier Nicholas Gambino". "A mafia leader" . As soon as i said those words i could see her eyes filling with tears. Her body shaking and her lips unable to move. "Serena I......" . "No, Stop". "I don't want to hear anything from you". "It all makes sense now". "You having a gun and killing that man"." Are you involved with him?, Have you kidnapped me?, Are you going to hurt me?".

What?. How can she even imagine these kind of things. She doesn't even know the half truth. I knew she was scared and that all of this was unexpected for her so i had to give her time. Then i got an idea. My mother. "Okay, Serena fine". "I won't force you to listen or talk". "But, I am sure you will talk with this person". 

Serena's POV

I could not even imagine what the hell was going on. I just sat there listening to him. Did he really kill a guy, for me?. I was scared. Indeed anybody else would be. Suddenly he walked out of the room and i did not understand what was happening. I heard some footsteps approaching me. A voice asked me, "How are you feeling Serena?". As i shifted my gaze i saw the person i had seen before. My jaw just dropped on the floor. "Mrs Gambino!!". What the hell?, it all makes sense now. Her hair, her aura, her body language, her surname. Dammnit. Why did i not notice it before.

"Oh honey, i know you are shocked and surprised but please don't worry". "We won't hurt you". She then sat beside me and held my hand will all the warmth. "I am Charlotte Gambino". "Xavier's Mother". "I never knew you both had met earlier". "I am sorry if Xavier has said something inappropriate before". "He is shot-tempered just like his father". "Please don't be sorry". "I should be the one who says sorry". "He saved me and i accused him of kidnapping". "I am so sorry".

"It's ok my child". "He will come to know". "Thanku for helping me and bringing me here". "Comeon, I have always taught my sons to respect women no matter what". "Xavier did the exact same". "You should rest now, You need it". Her warmness reminded me of my mother. My mom, I miss her. Before i could think more i heard a male voice calling out my name.


Who is he?

Find out next. Byee...

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