Be Mine.

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Xavier's POV

The club night was going well. I did not wanted to leave Serena. Her smile, her laugh all of it was creating an impact on me. I couldn't take my eyes of her. Her stunning green dress with her red lips were making me want her. Dammnn....  i can't control myself.

As we got to leave i wanted to grab her hand and stop her from leaving . But,  i held myself. We went near the car to leave both of them. Chris had an urgent work so he left before us. Serena's friend wanted to use the restroom so she left before going. It was just me and Serena now.

There was this weird tension going on between us. After her friend arrived they started moving. Serena was taking small steps. Maybe she was thinking the same as me. That's it. I can't control more. I then grabbed her wrist and turned her around. I slid her to a corner and pinned her to the wall. 

Before she could say anything i crashed my lips on her. 

Serena's POV

After we went out of the club, I felt like not going. I could see Xavier staring at me all the time. Before i could walk any further he then grabbed my wrist and pinned me to the wall of a corner. He kissed me. It took me time to understand  what was going on.

But then, i went with the flow. Our kiss was passionate yet sweet. I could see the hunger in his eyes,  As if he had preserved it since ages. Then he suddenly parted. "Serena, I want you". "Huh?" i exclaimed with a state of confusion. "I like you Serena". My body froze. What?. Did he just confess his feelings for me?.

His eyes were pinned with mine. He wanted an answer. Before he could ask, this time i did the same. I kissed him. "I want you too". "I like you Xavier". Our surrounding became numb. It was only us and our special moment. He denied to leave my lips and so did I. 

Xavier's POV

Hearing her feelings about me made me blast with joy. I was relieved when she said those words. I could taste her sweet lips. Those lips i craved for so long. They were finally mine. After a long kiss we moved to her car. I hated this part. Saying her goodbye. She just blushed all the time. Cute.

As i reached home i saw Chris standing in front of me with his arms folded. "What took you so long?", he questioned. Now, there was no more hiding my feelings. I started telling him everything between us. I guess, he was more happy than me. 

To my presence, Kai was there as well. Listening to us . After i noticed him, he just jumped on me with joy. "Geez, stop being touchy Kai". "Come on, man don't  be grumpy now". "You have got a girlfriend now". 

Serena's POV

Girlfriend. This word spread tingles and shivers in my body. Finally i belonged to a person i loved. Did i say love?. Maybe yes. This was love. His care, comfort and affection was nothing but love. 

"Girl I am so freaking happy for you", Jennifer exclaimed while giving me a bear hug. "Finally"!!, she said loudly. "J, my ears hurt". "But honestly, I am happy to". "I wanted this since a long time". "I thought he never felt anything like that,  But now, my dreams are fulfilled".

"Also, we have to go to there house for lunch tomorrow". "Let's sleep". "We also  have work to do". I slept with satisfaction today. But, i couldn't take my eyes from the scene that happened. Suddenly, i remembered my mom. I had to tell her all this.

I slowly slid from my bed and tip-toed to the balcony. I called my mom. "My beautiful daughter, how are you?". "Mom, i am doing great, What about you?". "I am good,  what is it?, you look happy". I started telling my mom everything. She just jumped with  happiness from there. "My baby, is finally in love". "haha, mom stop". "Oh, come on stop blushing". "I am so happy for you my child".

"I will try to come to Newyork soon,  To meet all of you and specially your boyfriend". "Ma, stop". "haha okay, now i need to go and you sleep as well". "Goodnight mom, love you". "Love you too my child".

I slept with a bright smile on my face. Now the journey of Love, begins..


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